KĀRANDHAMANA (M) A tīrtha situated near the southern ocean. The five holy places in the southern ocean, viz. Agastya tīrtha, Saubhadra tīrtha, Pauloma tīrtha, Kārandhamana tīrtha and Bhāradvāja tīrtha were called Pañca tīrthas. In the course of Arjuna's pilgrimage, he visited these Pañca tīrthas. At that time, the Sages never used to go there. There was a special reason for it. The five celestial women, Vargā, Saurabheyī, Samīcī, Budbudā and Latā used to live in them in the form of crocodiles as a result of a sage's curse. Arjuna liberated all of them. (For details see under the word “Vargā”).
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