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   { upadhā }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : छल


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उप-√ धा   1.P.Ā.-दधाति, -धत्ते, to place or lay upon, place near to, put on or into;
to place, lay, put, [RV. x, 87, 3; 145, 6] ; [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; KātyŚr.; [Mn.] ; [Ragh.] &c.;
to put to, yoke (horses), [RV. iv, 29, 4] ;
to give or make over, hand over (knowledge), teach, [Ragh.] ;
to impose, lay upon, commit, consign, [Ragh.] ;
to place under one's self, lie down upon, [R.] ;
to place in addition, add, connect, [AitBr.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [Lāṭy.] &c.;
to communicate, cause to share in;
to use, employ;
(in Gr.) to lie or be placed close to, precede without the intervention of another syllable, [RPrāt.] &c.;
to cause to rest upon or depend on [BhP.]
उप √ धा
उप-धा  f. 2.f. imposition, forgery, fraud, deceit, trick, false pretence, [MBh.] ; [Mn.] ; [R.]
उप धा
   trial or test of honesty (of four kinds, viz. of loyalty, disinterestedness, continence, and courage), [Kām.] ; [Bhaṭṭ.] ; [Śiś.] &c.
   (in Gr.) a penultimate letter, [Pāṇ.] ; [RPrāt.] ; [APrāt.] ; [Nir.] &c.
   condition, reservation, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उपधा [upadhā]   3 [U.]
   To place or lay upon, place under or in; अधिजानु बाहुमुपधाय [Śi.9.54;] उपहितं शिशिरापगमश्रिया मुकुलजालमशोभत किंशुके [R.9.31;] [Bk.15.47;] [Ku.1.44;] हृदि चैनामुपधातुमर्हसि [R.8.77] treasure up-lay to heart; [Ms.4.54;] उपहितसूक्ष्मग्रन्थिना [Ś.1.19.]
   To place, lay; वामहस्तोपहितवदना Ś.4 resting on.
   (a) To place near; अक्ष्णोर्मुखेन्दुमुपधेहि [Mv.4.56.] (b) To put to or yoke (as a horse to a carriage &c.); उप त्मनि दधानो धुर्याशून्.
   To cause, bring on or produce; नरः कृतान्तोपहितां (दशां) प्रपद्यते [Mk.1.53.]
   To impose, entrust with, charge with (as a duty); तदुपहितकुटुम्बः [R.7.71.]
   To lay a command upon, enjoin, instruct in (with acc.); स्त्रीषु नृत्यमुपधाय शिक्षयन् [R.19.36.]
   To lie down upon, use as a pillow; उपधाय वामभुजमशयिषि [Dk.111.]
   To apply, employ, lay or bestow upon, क्रिया हि वस्तूपहिता प्रसीदति [R.3.29.]
   To place over, cover, conceal.
   To add, place in addition.
   To communicate, impart, give, bestow; उपहितशोभा [Bk.2.55.]
   To locate; एतदुपहितं चैतन्यम् [Vedānta S.]
   (In gram.) To precede without the intervention of another syllable.
   To deceive (वञ्च्); स्वयं चापहृता भृत्या ये चाप्युपहिताः परैः [Mb.12.111.77.]
उपधा [upadhā]   1 Imposition, forgery, fraud, deceit, trick, pretence; उपधाभिश्च यः कश्चित्परद्रव्यं हरेन्नरः [Ms.8.193.]
   Trial or test of honesty, (भेदोपजापौ उपधा धर्माद्यैर्यत्परी- क्षणम्); (said to be of 4 kinds: 1 loyalty, 2 disinterestedness, 3 continence, 4 courage i. e. धर्मोपधा Religious allurement, अर्थोपधा Monetary allurement, कामोपधा Love allurement, भयोपधा Allurement under the pressure of fear. 'भिया धर्मार्थकामैश्च परीक्षा या तु सोपधा' इत्यभिधान- चिन्तामणिः); (शोधयेत्) धर्मोपधाभिर्विप्रांश्च सर्वाभिः सचिवान् पुनः Kālikā P. उपधाभिः शौचाशौचज्ञानममात्यानाम् । [Kau.A.1.1;] अमात्यानुपधातीनान् [Mb.15.5.14.]
   A means or expedient; अयशोभिदुरा लोके कोपधा महणादृते [Śi.19.58.]
   (In gram.) A penultimate letter (अन्त्याद्वर्णात्पूर्वं उपधा). अलोन्त्यात् पूर्व उपधा [P.I.1.65.] -Comp.
-भृतः   a servant who has been guilty of dishonesty.
-लोपः   Elision of the penultimate letter (e. g. in the case of a बहुव्रीहि compound ending in अन्) [P.IV.1.28.]
-शुचि a.  a. tried, of approved loyalty.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उपधा  f.  (-धा)
   1. A false pretence.
   2. Trial or test of honesty, &c. of four kinds, of loyalty, disinterestedness, continence, and courage.
   3. A penultimate letter.
   E. उप, धा having, from धा to have,
उप धा धा
   with अङ् and टाप् affs.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : श्रि, योजय

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