कन् (का in वेद) cl. 1. P. कनति, चकान, चके, अकानीत्, कनिता, &c., [Dhātup. xiii, 17] ; ( aor. 1. sg. अकानिषम्, 2. sg. कानिषस्, [RV.] ), to be satisfied or pleased, [RV. iv, 24, 9] ; to agree to, accept with satisfaction, [RV. iii, 28, 5] ; to shine; to go, [Dhātup.] : Intens. P. ( Subj. चाक॑नत्; Pot. चाकन्यात्; pf. 1. sg. चाकन); Ā. ( Subj. 3. pl. चाक॑नन्त and चक॑नन्त, [RV. i, 169, 4] ), to be satisfied with, like, enjoy (with loc. gen. , or instr. ), [RV.] ; to please, be liked or wished for (with gen. of the person), [RV. i, 169, 4; v, 31, 13; viii, 31, 1] ; to strive after, seek, desire, wish (with acc. or dat. ), [RV.] ; कन् [cf. का, कै, कम्, क्वन्, and चन्: cf. also Zd. -kan; Gk. καναψή; Angl.Sax. hana; Lat. canus, caneo, candeo, candela (?); Hib. canu, ‘full moon.’]