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   { kartṛ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कर्तृ  mfn. mfn. one who makes or does or acts or effects, a doer, maker, agent, author (with gen. or acc. or ifc.cf.भय-कर्तृ, &c.), [RV.] ; [AV.] &c., [MBh.] ; [Mn.] &c.
सुवर्ण-कर्तृ   doing any particular action or business, applying one's self to any occupation (the business or occupation preceding in the compound cf., राज्य-क्°, &c.)
सुवर्ण कर्तृ
   one who acts in a religious ceremony, a priest, [ŚBr.] ; [ĀśvGṛ.] &c.
कर्तृ  m. m. the creator of the world, [ŚBr. xiv] ; [Yājñ. iii, 69]
   N. of विष्णु, [Pañcat.]
   of ब्रह्मन्, [L.]
   of शिव, [L.]
स्व-तन्त्र   (in Gr.) the agent of an action (who acts of his own accord []), the active noun, the subject of a sentence (it stands either in the nom. [in active construction], or in the instr. [in passive construction], or in the gen. [in connection with a noun of action]; it is opposed to कर्मन्, the object), [Pāṇ.] &c.
स्व तन्त्र
   one who is about to do, one who will do (used as periphr. fut.), [MBh.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कर्तृ [kartṛ] a.  a. or s. [कृ-तृच्] कर्ताहमिति मन्यते [Bg.3.27.]
   A doer, one who does, makes, performs &c., an agent; वंशस्य˚ [R.2.64;] व्याकरणस्य कर्ता author of Grammar ऋणस्य कर्ता one who incurs debt; हितकर्ता a benefactor; सुवर्णकर्ता a goldsmith &c.
   (In gram.) An agent (the meaning of the instrumental case).
   The Supreme Spirit.
   An epithet of Brahmā.
  N. N. of Viṣṇu and Śiva also.
   A priest. -Comp.
-अभिप्राय a.  a. (P.I.3.72) accruing to the agent.
-वाच्यः   the active voice.

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