Dictionaries | References


   { kalpa }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
KALPA I   A son of Dhruva. See under DHRUVA.
KALPA II   A period of one thousand Yugas or fourteen Manvantaras. See under MANVANTARA.
KALPA III   The customary proceedings of Yāgas. These proceedings are made in the form of Sūtras. The Sūtras describe how the Brāhmaṇas and mantras are to be used. For each Saṁhitā there are separate Śrauta Sūtras. The Śrauta Sūtras for Ṛgveda Saṁhitā are [Āśvalāyana] , [Śāṁkhāyana] and Śaunaka. Those for Sāmaveda are Maśaka, [Lāṭyāyana] and [Drāhyāyaṇa] . Those for [Kṛṣṇa Yajurveda] are [Āpastamba] [Bauddhāyana] , [Satyāṣāḍha] , Hiraṇyakeśī, [Mānava] , [Bhāradvāja] , Vādhūla, [Vaikhānasa] , Laugākṣi, Maitra, Kaṭha and [Vārāha] . For [Śuklayajurveda] it is [Kātyāyana Srauta Sūtra] . For Atharvaveda it is [Kauśika Śrauta Sūtra] . All these Sūtras contain only brief symbolic words and are difficult to understand without explanation.


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  समय का एक विभाग जिसमें चौदह मन्वंतर या चार अरब बत्तीस करोड़ वर्ष होते हैं   Ex. कल्प ब्रम्हा के अहोरात्रि के अर्धभाग के बराबर होता है ।
पौराणिक काल (Mythological Period)समय (Time)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
kanಬ್ರಹ್ಮನ ಒಂದು ದಿನ


कल्प II. n.  सैंहिकेयों में से एक (विप्रचित्ति देखिये) ।
कल्प III. n.  (सो यदु. वसु.) वसुदेव को उपदेवा से उत्पन्न पुत्र ।


कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 
 noun  चौदा मन्वंतरां म्हळ्यार चार अब्ज बत्तीस कोटी वर्सांचो काळ   Ex. कल्प ब्रह्माच्या अहोरातीच्या अर्द वाट्याच्या इतलें आसता
पौराणिक काल (Mythological Period)समय (Time)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
kanಬ್ರಹ್ಮನ ಒಂದು ದಿನ


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   . 3 More frequently विकल्प Optionality or alternative. 4 The name of a Shastra, one of the six Vedángas comprehending the description of religious rites. 5 Doubting or doubt. 6 A resolve or purpose.
   kalpa a S Capable of; competent unto. 2 In comp. Like or resembling.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  Doubt. A day and night of ब्रम्हा. A resolve. A side or view of a case.


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
 noun  चार अब्ज, बत्तीस कोटी मानुष किंवा सौर वर्षे असलेला काळ   Ex. कल्प ब्रम्हाच्या अहोरात्रीच्या अर्ध्या भागायेवढे आहे
पौराणिक काल (Mythological Period)समय (Time)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
kanಬ್ರಹ್ಮನ ಒಂದು ದಿನ


  पु. १ चार अब्ज , बत्तीस कोटी मानुष किंवा सौर वर्षे , ब्रह्मादेवाचा एक अहोरात्र , दिवस ; जगाच्या उप्तत्तिलयामधील काळ ; चार युगाची एक चौकडी अशा हजार चौकड्या . ' मज दास करी त्याचा । संतदासाच्या दासाचा । मग होत कल्प वरी । सुखें गर्भवास हरी । - तुगा ११७४ . ' ब्रह्मादेवाच्या दिवसासच कल्प असें म्हणतात .' - गीर ७३३ . ' मना कल्पना कलितां कल्प कोटीं । नव्हें रे नव्हें सर्वथा राम भेटी । ' - राम ५९ . २ धार्मिक विधि . आचाराचें वर्नन ज्यांत केलें आहे असें सहा एदांगांपैकीं . एक यांत श्रौत व गृहासुत्रें येतात . ३ विशेष प्रचारांत विकल्प . ऐच्छिक अथवा विकल्पेंकरुन . ४ संशय ; अदेशा ; शंका . ' मी सर्वस्वें दासी मनीं नको कल्प आणूं दुसरा । ' - होला ९९ . कशिराम म्हणे कल्प कांहीं ठेवूं नको रे । ' - होला १५० . ५ निश्चय किंवा उद्देश . ६ एखाद्या वस्तूविषयीं एक मुख्य व एक गौण असे दोन पक्ष असतात ते प्रत्येकीं . - वि . १ - च्या योग्यतेचा , शक्त ; समर्थ . २ ( समासांत ) सारखा , सदृश . उ० तृणकल्प , पर्वतकल्प . ( सं . क्लृप = कल्पना करणें )


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कल्प  mfn. 1.mf()n. (√ कॢप्), practicable, feasible, possible, [ŚBr. ii, 4, 3, 3]
धर्मस्य कल्पः   proper, fit, able, competent, equal to (with gen.loc., inf., or ifc.; e.g., competent for duty; स्वकर्मणि न कल्पः, not competent for his own work; यदा न शासितुं कल्पः, if he is not able to rule), [BhP.]
कल्प  m. m. a sacred precept, law, rule, ordinance (= विधि, न्याय), manner of acting, proceeding, practice (esp. that prescribed by the वेदs), [RV. ix, 9, 7] ; [AV. viii, 9, 10; xx, 128, 6-11] ; [MBh.]
प्रथमः कल्पः   (, a rule to be observed before any other rule, first duty, [Mn. iii, 147] ; [MBh.] &c.; एतेन कल्पेन, in this way; cf.पशु-क्°, &c.)
   the most complete of the six वेदाङ्गs (that which prescribes the ritual and gives rules for ceremonial or sacrificial acts), [MuṇḍUp.] ; [Pāṇ.] &c.
पक्ष   one of two cases, one side of an argument, an alternative (= ; cf.विकल्प), [Sarvad.]
   investigation, research Comm. on [Sāṃkhyak.]
   resolve, determination, [MW.]
   (in medic.) treatment of the sick, manner of curing, [Suśr. ii]
   the art of preparing medicine, pharmacy, [Car.]
   the doctrine of poisons and antidotes, [Suśr. i]
कल्प  n. m. (ifc.) having the manner or form of anything, similar to, resembling, like but with a degree of inferiority, almost (e.g.अभेद्य-कल्प, almost impenetrable; cf.प्रभात-क्°, मृत-क्°, &c.; according to native grammarians, कल्प so used is an accentless affix [[Pāṇ. 5-3, 67] ], before which a final स् is left unchanged, and final and shortened, [Pāṇ.] ; [Vop.] ; कल्पम्ind., may be also connected with a verb e.g.पचति-कल्पम्, he cooks pretty well, [Kāś.] on [Pāṇ. 8-1, 57] )
कल्प  m. m. a fabulous period of time (a day of ब्रह्मा or one thousand युगs, a period of four thousand, three hundred and twenty millions of years of mortals, measuring the duration of the world; a month of ब्रह्मा is supposed to contain thirty such कल्पs; according to the [MBh.] , twelve months of ब्रह्मा constitute his year, and one hundred such years his lifetime; fifty years of ब्रह्मा's are supposed to have elapsed, and we are now in the श्वेतवाराह-कल्प of the fifty-first; at the end of a कल्प the world is annihilated; hence कल्प is said to be equal to कल्पा-न्त below, [L.] ; with Buddhists the कल्पs are not of equal duration), [VP.] ; [BhP.] ; [Rājat.] &c.
कॢप्   N. of मन्त्रs which contain a form of √ , [TS. v] ; [ŚBr. ix]
   a kind of dance
   N. of the first astrological mansion, [VarBṛS.]
   N. of a son of ध्रुव and भ्रमि, [BhP. iv, 10, 1]
   of शिव, [MBh. xii, 10368]
   the tree of paradise
-तरु   = below, [L.]
-भव   (with जैनs) a particular abode of deities (cf. and कल्पा-तीत below)
कल्प  n. n. a kind of intoxicating liquor (incorrect for कल्य), [L.]
कल्प   2.Nom.Ā.°पायते, to become a कल्प, to appear as long as a कल्प, [Hcar.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कल्प [kalpa] a.  a. [क्लृप्-घञ्]
   Practicable, feasible, possible,
   Proper, fit, right.
   Strong, vigorous; चरन्तं ब्राह्मणं कञ्चित्कल्पचित्तमनामयम् [Mb.12.179.3.]
   Able, competent (with a gen., loc.; inf. or at the end of comp.); धर्मस्य, यशसः, कल्पः Bhāg. able to do his duty &c.; स्वक्रियायामकल्पः ibid. not competent to do one's duty; अकल्प एषामधिरोढुमञ्जसा पद्म्द्म् ibid., so स्वभरणाकल्प &c.
   ल्पः A sacred precept or rule, law, ordinance.
   A prescribed rule, a prescribed alternative, optional rule; प्रभुः प्रथमकल्पस्य योऽनुकल्पेन वर्तते [Ms.11.3] 'able to follow the prescribed rule to be observed in preference to all others'; प्रथमः कल्पः [M.1;] cf. also [Pratimā 4,] and Abhiṣekanāṭakam 6 and [Ś.4.] a very good (or best) alternative; एष वै प्रथमः कल्पः प्रदाने हव्यकव्ययोः [Ms. 3.147.]
   (Hence) A proposal, suggestion, resolve, determination; एष मे प्रथमः कल्पः [Rām.2.52.63;] उदारः कल्पः [Ś.7.]
   Manner of acting, procedure, form, way, method (in religious rites); श्रूयते हि पुराकल्पे [Mb. 6.43.23;] क्षात्रेण कल्पेनोपनीय [U.2;] कल्पवित्कल्पयामास वन्यामे- वास्य संविधाम् [R.1.94;] [Ms.7.185.]
   End of the world, universal destruction.
   A day of Brahmā or 1, Yugas, being a period of 432 million years of mortals and measuring the duration of the world; cf. [Bhāg.3.11;] श्रीश्वेतवाराहकल्पे [the one in which we now live]; कल्पं स्थितं तनुभृतां तनु- भिस्ततः किम् [Śānti.4.2.] Hence कल्पिक means 'born in the primeval age' [Bu. Ch.2.48.]
   Medical treatment of the sick.
   One of the six Vedāṅgas, i. e. that which lays down the ritual and prescribes rules for ceremonial and sacrificial acts; शिक्षा कल्पो व्याकरणम् Muṇdtod; 1.1.5 see under वेदाङ्ग.
   A termination added to nouns and adjectives in the sense of 'a little less than', 'almost like', 'nearly equal to', [P.V.3.67] [denoting similarity with a degree of inferiority]; कुमारकल्पं सुषुवे कुमारम् [R.5.36;] उपपन्नमेतदस्मिन्नृषि- कल्पे राजनि [Ś.2;] प्रभातकल्पा शशिनेव शर्वरी [R.3.2;] so मृतकल्पः, प्रतिपन्नकल्पः &c.
   The doctrine of poisons and antidotes.
   One of the trees of paradise; cf. कल्पद्रुम.
   Vigour, strength; लौकिके समयाचारे कृतकल्पो विशारदः [Rām.2.1.22.]
-ल्पा, -ल्पम्   A kind of intoxicating liquor. -Comp.
-अन्तः   end of the world, universal destruction; कल्पान्तेष्वपि न प्रयाति निधनं विद्याख्यमन्तर्धनम् [Bh.2.16.] कल्पान्तक्रूरकेलिः क्रतुक्रदनकरः कुन्दकर्पूरकान्तिः Udb. ˚स्थायिन् a. lasting to the end of a कल्प; शरीरं क्षणविध्वंसि कल्पान्तस्थायिनो गुणाः [H.1.46.] -आदिः renovation of all things in the creation; कल्पक्षये पुनस्तानि कल्पादौ विसृजाम्यहम् [Bg.9.7;]
-उपनिषद्   pharmacology; [Charak 1.4.]
   कारः author of Kalpasūtra, q. v.
   a barber.
-क्षयः   end of the world, universal destruction; e. g. कल्पक्षये पुनस्तानि [Bg.9.7.] पुरा कल्पक्षये वृत्ते जातं जलमयं जगत् [Ks.2.1.]
   तरुः, द्रुमः, पादपः, वृक्षः one of the trees of heaven or Indra's praradise, fabled to fulfill all desires; आसीत्कल्पतरुच्छायामाश्रिता सुरभिः पथि [R.1.75;] 17.26; [Ku.2.39;6.41.]
   a tree supposed to grant all desires; 'wish-yielding tree'; नाबुद्ध कल्पद्रुमतां विहाय जातं तमात्मन्यसिपत्रवृक्षम् [R.14.48;] मृषा न चक्रेऽ- ल्पितकल्पपादपः [N.1.15.]
   any productive or bountiful source; निगमकल्पतरोर्गलितं फलम् [Bhāg.1.1.3.]
   (fig.) a very generous person; सकलार्थिसार्थकल्पद्रुमः [Pt.1.] -नृत्यम् a particular kind of dance.
   पालः a protector of order.
   a seller of spirituous liquors.
   लता, लतिका a creeper of Indra's paradise; [Bh. 1.9.]
   a creeper supposed to grant all desires; नानाफलैः फलति कल्पलतेव भूमिः [Bh.2.46;] cf. कल्पतरु above.-वल्ली see कल्पलता; [Ks.1.66;] कल्पवल्लीगृहेषु 52.21.-विद् a. conversant with sacred precepts; कल्पवित्कल्पया- मास वन्यामेवास्य संविधाम् [R.1.94.]
   स्थानम् the art of preparing drugs; [Charak 7.]
   the science of poisons and antidotes; [Suśr.]
-सूत्रम्   a manual of ritual in the form of Sūtras. [Mb.14.54.9.] N. of a sacred Jaina book written by भद्रबाहु sketching the life of महावीर.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कल्प  mfn.  (-ल्पः-ल्पा-ल्पं) In composition; Like, but with a degree of in- feriority.
  m.  (-ल्पः)
   1. A Sastra or sacred work; one of the six Vedangas, and comprehending the description of religious rites. 2. A day and night of BRAHMA, a period of 4,320,000,000 Solar- sydereal-years or years of mortals, measuring the duration of the world, and as many, the interval of its annihilation.
   3. A destruc- tion of the world.
   4. A sacred precept, practice prescribed by the Vedas for effecting certain consequences.
   5. Propriety, fitness.
   6. Optionality, alternative, doubt.
   7. Resolve, purpose, any act of determination.
   8. One of the trees of INDRA'S paradise of Swarga.
   E. कृप् to be able, affix, is changed to अल्.
कृप् अल्


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : करणीय

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