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   { kilḥ }
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   See : किलग्राम


  न. शिकारींत मारलेलें जनावर ; पंड . ( इं .)]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
किल  m. 1.m. play, trifling, [L.]
किल  n. 2.ind. (a particle of asseveration or emphasis) indeed, verily, assuredly, [RV.] ; [AV.] &c.
   (or of explanation) namely, [ŚBr.] &c.
   ‘so said’ ‘so reported’, pretendedly, [VarBṛS.] ; [Kād.]
किल   ( is preceded by the word on which it lays stress, and occurs very rarely at the beginning of a sentence or verse [[R. iv, 14, 14] ; [Pañcat. lxxxix, 4] ]; according to native lexicographers may be used in communicating intelligence, and may imply ‘probably’, ‘possibly’, ‘agreement’, ‘dislike’, ‘falsehood’, ‘inaccuracy’, and ‘reason.’)
किल  m. 3.m.N. of a man, [Pravar.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
किलः [kilḥ]   1 Play, trifling. -Comp.
-किञ्चितम्   amorous agitation, weeping, laughing, being angry &c. in the society of a lover; त्वयि वीर विराजते परं दमयन्तीकिलकिञ्चितं किल [N.2.44.] जानानाभिरलं लीला-किल-किंचित-विभ्रमान् । [Bk.8.47.] The नाट्यशास्त्र refers to it in the following context विलासलीलाः किलकिंचितानि विव्वोक-मोट्टायित-विभ्रमाणि । विच्छित्त- माकुट्टिमितेक्षितानि योज्यानि तज्ज्ञैः सुकुमारनृत्ते ॥ (cf. also क्रोधाश्रुहर्ष- भीत्यादेः संकरः किलकिञ्चितम्' इति आलङ्कारिकाः)
किल [kila]   ind.
   Verily, indeed, assuredly, certainly; अर्हति किल कितव उपद्रवम् [M.4;] इदं किलाव्याजमनोहरं वपुः [Ś.1.] 18.
   As they say, as is reported (showing report or tradition ऐतिह्य); बभूव योगी किल कार्तवीर्यः [R.6.38,13.] 51; जघान कंसं किल वासुदेवः [Mbh.]
   A feigned action (अलीक); प्रसह्य सिंहः किल तां चकर्ष [R.2.27;] [Mu. 7.9;] पयस्यगाधे किल जातसंभ्रमा [Ki.8.48,11.2.]
   Hope, expectation or probability; पार्थः किल विजेष्यते कुरून् [G. M.]
   Dissatisfaction, dislike; एवं किल केचिद्वदन्ति [G. M.]
   Contempt; त्वं किल योत्स्यसे [G. M.]
   Cause, reason (हेतु); (very rare) स किलैवमुक्तवान् G. M. 'for he said so'.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
किल   r. 6th cl. (किलति)
   1. To be or become white.
   2. To play.
   r. 10th cl. (केलयति) To send, to throw or cast.
किल   ind. An aptote signifying.
   1. News, (so said, so reported.)
   2. Likelihood, (probably, possibly.)
   3. Conciliatory expression.
   4. Assertion, certainty, (indeed, verily, assuredly.)
   5. Ealsehood, inaccuracy.
   E. किल् to send or order, affix .

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