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   { kṛ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कृ  f. 1.Ved. (I) cl. 2. P. 2. sg.क॑र्षिdu.कृथ॑स्pl.कृथ॑; Ā. 2. sg.कृषे॑; impf. 2. and 3. sg.अ॑कर्, 3. sg. rarely अ॑कत् ([ŚBr. iii, xi] ) ; 3. du.अ॑कर्ताम्; pl.अ॑कर्म, अ॑कर्त (also, [BhP. ix] ), अ॑क्रन् (aor., according to, [Pāṇ. 4-2, 80] ; [Kāś.] ); Ā.अ॑क्रि ([RV. x, 159, 4 and 174, 4] ), अ॑कृथास् ([RV. v, 30, 8] ), अ॑कृत ([RV.] ); अक्राताम् ([ŚāṅkhŚr.] ), अ॑क्रत ([RV.] ; [AV.] ) : Impv.कृधि॑ (also, [MBh. i, 5141 and] ; [BhP. viii] ), कृत॑म्, कृत॑; Ā.कृष्व॑, कृध्व॑म्; Subj. 2. and 3. sg.कर्pl.क॑र्म, क॑र्त and कर्तन, क्रन्; Ā. 3. sg.कृत ([RV. ix, 69, 5] ), 3. pl.क्र॑न्त ([RV. i, 141, 3] ) : Pot.क्रियाम ([RV. x, 32, 9] ); pr. p.P. (nom.pl.) क्र॑न्तस्Ā.क्राण॑. (II) cl. 1. P.क॑रसि, क॑रति, क॑रथस्, क॑रतस्, क॑रन्ति; Ā.क॑रसे, क॑रते, क॑रामहे: impf.अ॑करम्, अ॑करस्, अ॑करत् (aor., according to, [Pāṇ. 3-1, 59] ) : Impv.क॑र, क॑रतम्, क॑रताम्: Subj.क॑रम्, क॑राणि, क॑रस्, क॑रत्, क॑राम, क॑रन्; Ā.करामहै; pr. p.f.क॑रन्ती ([Naigh.] ) (III) cl. 5. P.कृणो॑मि, °णो॑षि, °णो॑ति, कृणुथ॑स्, कृण्म॑स् and कृण्मसि, कृणुथ॑, कृण्व॑न्ति; Ā.कृण्वे॑, कृणुषे॑, कृणुते॑, 3. du.कृण्वै॑ते ([RV. vi, 25, 4] ); pl.कृण्म॑हे, कृण्व॑ते: impf.अ॑कृणोस्, अ॑कृणोत्, अ॑कृणुतम्, अ॑कृणुत and °णोतन ([RV. i, 110, 8] ), अ॑कृण्वन्; Ā. 3. sg.अ॑कृणुतpl.अ॑कृणुध्वम्, अ॑कृण्वत: Impv.कृणु॑ or कृणुहि॑ or कृणुता॑त्, कृणो॑तु, कृणुत॑म्, कृणुता॑म्, 2. pl.कृणुत॑ or कृणो॑त or कृणो॑तन, 3. pl.कृण्व॑न्तु; Ā.कृणुष्व॑, कृणुता॑म्, कृण्वा॑थाम्, कृणुध्व॑म्: Subj.कृण॑वस्, °ण॑वत् or °ण॑वात्, कृण॑वाव, °ण॑वाम, °ण॑वाथ, °ण॑वथ, °ण॑वन्; Ā.कृण॑वै (once °णवा, [RV. x, 95, 2] ), कृणवसे (also, [ŚvetUp. ii, 7] v.l.°ण्वसे), कृणवते, कृण॑वावहै, कृण॑वामहै, 3. pl.कृण॑वन्त ([RV.] ) or कृणवन्ते or कृण्वत ([RV.] ) : Pot.Ā.कृण्वीत॑; pr. p.P.कृण्व॑त् (f.°वती॑) Ā.कृण्वाण॑. (IV) cl. 8. (this is the usual formation in the ब्राह्मणs; सूत्रs, and in classical Sanskṛt) P.करो॑मि (ep.कुर्मि, [MBh. iii, 10943] ; [R. ii, 12, 33] ); कुर्व॑स्, कुरुथ॑स्, कुरुत॑स्, कुर्म॑स् ([कुल्मस् in an interpolation after, [RV. x, 128] ]), कुरुथ॑, कुर्व॑न्ति; Ā.कुर्वे॑, &c., 3. pl.कुर्व॑ते ([Pāṇ. 6-4, 108-110] ) : impf.अकरवम्, अकरोस्, अकरोत्, अकुर्व, &c.; Ā. 3. sg.अकुरुतpl.अकुर्वत: Impv.कुरु, करोतु (in the earlier language 2. and 3. sg.कुरुतात्, 3. sg. also, [BhP. vi, 4, 34] ), कुरुत or कुरुतन ([Nir. iv, 7] ); Ā.कुरुष्व, कुरुध्वम्, कुर्व॑ताम्: Subj.करवाणि, करवस्, °वात्, °वाव or °वावस् ([Pāṇ. 3-4, 98] ; [Kāś.] ), °वाम or °वामस् (ib.), °वाथ, °वन्; Ā.करवै, कुरुथास्, करवावहै ([TUp.] ; °हे, [MBh. iii, 10762] ), करवैथे, °वैते ([Pāṇ. 3-4, 95] , [Kāś.] ), °वामहै (°हे, [MBh.] ; [R. i, 18, 12] ) : Pot.P.कुर्याम्Ā.कुर्वीय ([Pāṇ. 6-4, 109 and 110] ); pr. p.P.कुर्व॑त् (f.°वती॑); Ā.कुर्वाण॑: perf.P.चका॑र, चक॑र्थ, चकृव॑, चकृम॑, चक्र॑ ([Pāṇ. 7-2, 13] ); Ā.चक्रे॑, चक्रिरे॑; p.चकृवस् (acc.चक्रु॑षम्, [RV. x, 137, 1] ); Ā.चक्राण ([Vop.] ) : 2nd fut.करिष्य॑ति; Subj. 2. sg.करिष्या॑स् ([RV. iv, 30, 23] ); 1st fut.क॑र्ता: Prec.क्रियासम्: aor.P.Ved.चकरम् ([RV. iv, 42, 6] ), अचक्रत् ([RV. iv, 18, 12] ), अ॑चक्रिरन् ([RV. viii, 6, 20] ); Ā. 1. sg.कृस्के ([RV. x, 49, 7] ); Class.अकार्षीत् ([Pāṇ. 7-2, 1] ; [Kāś.] ; once अकारषीत्, [BhP. i, 10, 1] ); Pass.aor.reflex.अकारि and अकृत ([Pāṇ. 3-1, 62] ; [Kāś.] ) : Inf.क॑र्तुम्, Ved.क॑र्तवे, क॑र्तवै॑, क॑र्तोस् (See ss.vv.); ind.p.कृत्वा॑, Ved.कृत्वी॑ ([[RV.] ]) and कृत्वा॑य ([[TS. iv, v] ]);
to do, make, perform, accomplish, cause, effect, prepare, undertake, [RV.] &c.;
to do anything for the advantage or injury of another (gen. or loc.), [MBh.] ; [R.] &c.;
to execute, carry out (as an order or command), ib.;
to manufacture, prepare, work at, elaborate, build, ib.;
to form or construct one thing out of another (abl. or instr.), [R. i, 2, 44] ; [Hit.] &c.;
to employ, use, make use of (instr.), [ŚvetUp.] ; [Mn. x, 91] ; [MBh.] &c.;
to compose, describe, [R. i] ;
to cultivate, [Yājñ. ii, 158] (cf.[Mn. x, 114] );
to accomplish any period, bring to completion, spend (e.g.वर्षाणि दश चक्रुः, ‘they spent ten years’ [MBh. xv, 6] ; क्षणं कुरु, ‘wait a moment’ [MBh.] ; cf.कृतक्षण);
to place, put, lay, bring, lead, take hold of (acc. or loc. or instr.e.g.अर्धं॑-√ कृ, to take to one's own side or party, cause to share in (gen.; See 2.अर्ध॑); हस्ते or पाणौ-√ कृ, to take by the hand, marry, [Pāṇ. 1-4, 77] ; हृदयेन-√ कृ, to place in one's heart, love, [Mṛcch.] ; हृदि-√ कृ, to take to heart, mind, think over, consider, [Rājat. v, 313] ; मनसि-√ कृid., [R. ii, 64, 8] ; [Hcar.] ; to determine, purpose [ind.p.°सि-कृत्वा or °सि-कृत्य] [Pāṇ. 1-4, 75] ; वशे-√ कृ, to place in subjection, become master of [Mn. ii, 100] );
to direct the thoughts, mind, &c. (म॑नस् [[RV.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.] or बुद्धिम् [[Nal. xxvi, 10] ] or मतिम् [[MBh.] ; [R.] ] or भावम् [ib.], &c.) towards any object, turn the attention to, resolve upon, determine on (loc.dat.inf., or a sentence with इतिe.g.मा शोके मनः कृथाः, do not turn your mind to grief, [Nal. xiv, 22] ; गमनाय मतिं चक्रे, he resolved upon going, [R. i, 9, 55] ; अलाबुं समुत्स्रष्टुं मनश् चक्रे, he resolved to create a gourd, [MBh. iii, 8844] ; द्रष्टा तवा-स्मी-ति मतिं चकार, he determined to see him, [MBh. iii, 12335] );
to think of (acc.), [R. i, 21, 14] ;
to make, render (with two acc.e.g.आदित्यं काष्ठाम् अकुर्वत, they made the sun their goal, [AitBr. iv, 7] ), [RV.] ; [ŚBr.] &c.;
to procure for another, bestow, grant (with gen. or loc.), [RV.] ; [VS.] ; [ŚBr.] &c.;
Ā. to procure for one's self, appropriate, assume, [ŚBr.] ; [BṛĀrUp.] ; [Mn. vii, 10 &c.] ;
to give aid, help any one to get anything (dat.), [RV.] ; [VS.] ;
to make liable to (dat.), [RV. iii, 41, 6] ; [ŚBr. iv] ;
to injure, violate (e.g.कन्यां-√ कृ, to violate a maiden), [Mn. viii, 367 and 369] ;
to appoint, institute, [ChUp.] ; [Mn.] ;
to give an order, commission, [Mn.] ; [R. ii, 2, 8] ;
to cause to get rid of, free from (abl. or -तस्), [Pāṇ. 5-4, 49] ; [Kāś.] ;
to begin (e.g.चक्रे शोभयितुम् पुरीम्, they began to adorn the city), [R. ii, 6, 10] ;
to proceed, act, put in practice, [VS.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [AitBr.] &c.;
to worship, sacrifice, [RV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [Mn. iii, 210] ;
to make a sound (स्वरम् or शब्दम्), [MBh. iii, 11718] ; [Pāṇ.] (iv, 4, 34; [Hit.] ), utter, pronounce (often ifc. with the sounds फट्, फुत्, भाण्, व॑षट्, स्वधा॑, स्वा॑हा, हिं), pronounce any formula ([Mn. ii, 74 and xi, 33] );
(with numeral adverbs ending in धा) to divide, separate or break up into parts (e.g.द्विधा-√ कृ, to divide into two parts, ind.p.द्विधा कृत्वा or द्विधा-कृत्य or -कारम्, [Pāṇ. 3-4, 62] ; सहस्रधा-√ कृ, to break into a thousand pieces);
(with adverbs ending in वत्) to make like or similar, consider equivalent (e.g.राज्यं तृण-वत् कृत्वा, valuing the kingdom like a straw, [Vet.] );
(with adverbs ending in सात्) to reduce anything to, cause to become, make subject (See आत्म-सात्, भस्म-सात्), [Pāṇ. 5-4, 52 ff.] The above senses of √ may be variously modified or almost infinitely extended according to the noun with which this root is connected, as in the following examples: सख्यं-√ कृ, to contract friendship with;
पूजां-√ कृ, to honour;
राज्यं-√ कृ, to reign;
स्नेहं-√ कृ, to show affection;
आज्ञां or निदेशं or शासनं or कामं or याचनां or वचः or वचनं or वाक्यं-√ कृ, to perform any one's command or wish or request &c.;
धर्मं-√ कृ, to do one's duty, [Mn. vii, 136] ;
नखानि-√ कृ, ‘to clean one's nails’ See कृत-नख;
उदकं ([[Mn.] ; [Yājñ.] ; [R.] ; [Daś.] ]) or सलिलं ([[R. i, 44, 49] ]) √ , to offer a libation of Water to the dead;
to perform ablutions;
अस्त्राणि-√ कृ, to practise the use of weapons, [MBh. iii, 11824] ;
दर्दुरं-√ कृ, to breathe the flute, [Pāṇ. 4-4, 34] ;
दण्डं-√ कृ, to inflict punishment &c., [Vet.] ;
कालं-√ कृ, to bring one's time to an end i.e. to die;
चिरं-√ कृ, to be long in doing anything, delay;
मनसा (for °सि See above) √ , to place in one's mind, think of, meditate, [MBh.] ;
शिरसा-√ कृ, to place on one's the head;
मूर्ध्ना-√ कृ, to place on one's head, obey, honour. Very rarely in वेद ([AV. xviii, 2, 27] ), but commonly in the ब्राह्मणs, सूत्रs, and especially in classical Sanskṛt the perf. forms चकार and चक्रे auxiliarily used to form the periphrastical perfect of verbs, especially of causatives e.g.आसां चक्रे, ‘he sat down’;
गमयां॑ चकार, ‘he caused to go’ [see, [Pāṇ. 3-1, 40] ; in वेद some other forms of √ are used in a similar way, viz.pr.करोति, [ŚāṅkhŚr.] ; impf.अकर्, [MaitrS.] and, [Kāṭh.] ; 3. pl.अक्रन्, [MaitrS.] and, [TBr.] ; Prec.क्रियात्, [MaitrS.] (See, [Pāṇ. 3-1, 42] ); according to, [Pāṇ. 3-1, 41] , also करोतु with √ विद्].
Caus.कारयति, °ते, to cause to act or do, cause another to perform, have anything made or done by another (double acc.instr. and acc. [see, [Pāṇ. 1-4, 53] ] e.g.सभां कारितवान्, he caused an assembly to be made, [Hit.] ; राज-दर्शनं मां कारय, cause me to have an audience of the king; वाणिज्यं कारयेद् वैश्यम्, he ought to cause the वैश्य to engage in trade, [Mn. viii, 410] ; न शक्ष्यामि किंचित् कारयितुं त्वया, I shall not be able to have anything done by thee, [MBh. ii, 6] );
to cause to manufacture or form or cultivate, [Lāṭy.] ; [Yājñ. ii, 158] ; [MBh.] &c.;
to cause to place or put, have anything placed, put upon, &c. (e.g.तं चित्रपटं वास-गृहे भित्ताव् अकारयत्, he had the picture placed on the wall in his house, [Kathās. v, 30] ), [Mn. viii, 251] . Sometimes the Caus. of √ is used for the simple verb or without a causal signification (e.g.पदं कारयति, he pronounces a word, [Pāṇ. 1-3, 71] ; [Kāś.] ; मिथ्या क्°, he pronounces wrongly, ib.; कैकेयीम् अनु राजानं कारय, treat or deal with कैकेयी as the king does, [R. ii, 58, 16] ) :
Desid.चि॑कीर्षति (aor. 2. sg.अचिकीर्षीस्, [ŚBr. iii] ), ep. also °ते, to wish to make or do, intend to do, design, intend, begin, strive after, [AV. xii, 4, 19] ; [ŚBr.] ; KātyŚr.; [Mn.] &c.;
to wish to sacrifice or worship, [AV. v, 8, 3] :
Intens. 3. pl.करिक्रति (pr. p.क॑रिक्रत् See, [Naigh. ii, 1 and] ; [Pāṇ. 7-4, 65] ),
to do repeatedly, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [TS.] ;
Class.चर्कर्ति or चरिकर्ति or चरीकर्ति ([[Pāṇ. 7-4, 92] ; [Kāś.] ]), also चर्करीति or चरिकरीति or चरीकरीति or चेक्रीयते ([ib., Sch.; [Vop.] ]);
कृ   [cf.Hib.caraim, ‘I perform, execute’; ceard, ‘an art, trade, business, function’; sucridh, ‘easy’; Old Germ.karawan, ‘to prepare’; Mod.Germ.gar, ‘prepared (as food)’; Lat.creo, ceremonia; κραίνω, κρόνος.]
कृ   2.cl. 3. P.p.चक्र॑त् (Pot. 2. sg.चक्रियास्; aor. 1. sg.अकार्षम् [[AV. vii, 7, 1] ] or अकारिषम् [[RV. iv, 39, 6] ]),
to make mention of, praise, speak highly of (gen.), [RV.] ; [AV.] :
Intens. (1. sg.चर्कर्मि, 1. pl.चर्किराम, 3. pl.चर्किरन्; Impv. 2. sg.चर्कृता॑त् and चर्कृधि; aor. 3. sg.Ā.च॑र्कृषे) id., [RV.] ; [AV.] (cf.कारु॑, कीरि॑, कीर्ति॑.)
कृ   3. to injure, &c. See √ 2.कॄ.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कृ [kṛ]   I. 5 U. (कृणोति-कृणुते) To hurt, injure, kill. -II. 8 U. (करोति-कुरुते, चकार-चक्रे, अकार्षीत्-अकृत; कर्तुम्, करिष्यति-ते कृत)
   To do (in general); तात किं करवाण्यहम्
   To make; गणिकामवरोधमकरोत् Dk; नृपेण चक्रे युवराजशब्दभाक् [R.3.35;] युवराजः कृतः &c.
   To manufacture, shape, prepare; कुम्भकारो घटं करोति; कटं करोति &c.
   To build, create; गृहं कुरु; सभां कुरु मदर्थे भोः.
   To produce, cause, engender; रतिमुभयप्रार्थना कुरुते [Ś.2.1.]
   To form, arrange; अञ्जलिं करोति; कपोतहस्तकं कृत्वा.
   To write, compose; चकार सुमनोहरं शास्त्रम् [Pt.1.]
   To perform, be engaged in; पूजां करोति.
   To tell, narrate; इति बहुविधाः कथाः कुर्वन् &c.
   To carry out, execute, obey; एवं क्रियते युष्मदादेशः [Māl.1;] or करिष्यामि वचस्तव or शासनं मे कुरुष्व &c.
   To bring about, accomplish, effect; सत्सं- गतिः कथय किं न करोति पुंसाम् [Bh.2.23.]
   To throw or let out, discharge, emit; मूत्रं कृ to discharge urine, make water; so पुरीषं कृ to void excrement.
   To assume, put on, take; स्त्रीरूपं कृत्वा; नानारूपाणि कुर्वाणः [Y.3.] 162.
   To send forth, utter; मानुषीं गिरं कृत्वा, कलरवं कृत्वा &c.
   To place or put on (with loc.); कण्ठे हारम- करोत् [K.212;] पाणिमुरसि कृत्वा &c.
   To entrust (with some duty), appoint; अध्यक्षान् विविधान्कुर्यात्तत्र तत्र विपश्चितः [Ms.7.81.]
   To cook (as food) as in कृतान्नम्.
   To think, regard, consider; दृष्टिस्तृणीकृतजगत्त्रयसत्त्वसारा [U.6.] 19.
   To take (as in the hand); कुरु करे गुरुमेकमयोघनं [N.4.59.]
   To make a sound, as in खात्कृत्य, फूत्कृत्य भुङ्क्ते; so वषट्कृ, स्वाहाकृ &c.
   To pass, spend (time); वर्षाणि दश चक्रुः spent; क्षणं कुरु wait a moment.
   To direct towards, turn the attention to, resolve on; (with loc. or dat.); नाधर्मे कुरुते मनः [Ms.12.118;] नगरगमनाय मतिं न करोति [Ś.2.]
   To do a thing for another (either for his advantage or injury); प्राप्ताग्निनिर्वापणगर्वमम्बु रत्नाङ्- कुरज्योतिषि किं करोति [Vikr.1.18;] यदनेन कृतं मयि, असौ किं मे करिष्यति &c.
   To use, employ, make use of; किं तया क्रियते धेन्वा [Pt.1.]
   To divide, break into parts (with adverbs ending in धा); द्विधा कृ to divide into two parts; शतधा कृ, सहस्रधा कृ &c.
   To cause to become subject to, reduce completely to (a particular condition, with adverbs ending in सात्); आत्मसात् कृ to subject or appropriate to oneself; दुरितैरपि कर्तुमात्मसात्प्रयतन्ते नृपसूनवो हि यत् [R.8.2;] भस्मसात् कृ to reduce to ashes.
   To appropriate, secure for oneself.
   To help, give aid.
   To make liable.
   To violate or outrage (as a girl).
   To begin.
   To order.
   To free from.
   To proceed with, put in practice.
   To worship, sacrifice.
   To make like, consider equal to, cf. तृणीकृ (said to be Ātm. only in the last 1 senses).
   To take up, gather; आदाने करोतिशब्दः [Ms.4.2.6;] यथा काष्ठानि करोति गोमयानि करोति इति आदाने करोतिशब्दो भवति एवमिहापि द्रष्टव्यम् ŚB. on [MS.4.2.6.] This root is often used with nouns, adjectives, and indeclinables to form verbs from them, somewhat like the English affixes 'en' or '(i) fy', in the sense of 'making a person or thing to be what it previously is not'; e. g. कृष्णीकृ to make that which is not already black, black, i. e. blacken; so श्वेतीकृ to whiten; घनीकृ to solidify; विरलीकृ to rarefy &c. &c. Sometimes these formations take place in other senses also; e. g. क्रोडीकृ 'to clasp to the bosom', embrace; भस्मीकृ to reduce to ashes; प्रवणीकृ to incline, bend; तृणीकृ to value as little as straw; मन्दीकृ to slacken, make slow; so शूलीकृ to roast on the end of pointed lances; सुखीकृ to please' समयाकृ to spend time &c. N. B.- This root by itself admits of either Pada; but it is Ātm. generally with prepositions in the following senses:(1) doing injury to; (2) censure, blame; (3) serving; (4) outraging, acting violently or rashly; (5) preparing, changing the condition of, turning into; (6) reciting; (7) employing, using; see [P.I.3.32] and गन्धनावक्षेपणसेवनसाहसिक्यप्रतियत्नप्रकथनोपयोगेषु कृञः ''Students' Guide to Sanskrit Composition" 338. Note. The root कृ is of the most frequent application in Sanskrit literature, and its senses are variously modified, or almost infinitely extended, according to the noun with which the root is connected; e. g. पदं कृ to set foot (fig. also); आश्रमे पदं करिष्यसि [Ś.4.19;] क्रमेण कृतं मम वपुषि नव- यौवनेन पदम् [K.141;] मनसा कृ to think of, meditate; मनसि कृ to think; दृष्ट्वा मनस्येवमकरोत् [K.136;] or to resolve or determine; सख्यम्, मैत्रीं कृ to form friendship with; अस्त्राणि कृ to practise the use of weapons; दण्डं कृ to inflict punishment; हृदये कृ to pay heed to; कालं कृ to die; मतिं-बुद्धिं कृ to think of, intend, mean; उदकं कृ to offer libations of water to manes; चिरं कृ to delay; दर्दुरं कृ to play on the lute; नखानि कृ to clean the nails; कन्यां कृ to outrage or violate a maiden; विना कृ to separate from, to be abandoned by, as in मदनेन विनाकृता रतिः [Ku.4.21;] मध्ये कृ to place in the middle, to have reference to; मध्येकृत्य स्थितं क्रथकौशिकान् [M.5.2;] वेशे कृ to win over, place in subjection, subdue; चमत्कृ to cause surprise; make an exhibition or a show; सत्कृ to honour, treat with respect; तिर्यक्कृ to place aside. -Caus. (कारयति-ते) To cause to do, perform, make, execute &c.; आज्ञां कारय रक्षोभिः [Bk.8.84;] भृत्यं भृत्येन वा कटं कारयति Sk. -Desid. (चिकीर्षति- ते) To wish to do &c.; [Śi.14.41.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कृ   r. 5th cl. (ञ) कृञ् (कृणोति, कृणुते) To hurt, to injure, to kill. (डु, ञ,) डुकृञ्
   r. 8th cl. (करोति, कुरुते) To do, to make, to perform any kind of action: this root admits most of the prepositions and a variety of significations; it is also active or deponent, according to its pre- fix and import; as,
   With अति, (अतिकुरुते) To exceed, to do more. 2.
   With अधि, (अधिकुरुते) a. To surpass or overcome. b. To superint- end, to govern. c. To hold of right. d. To bear patiently. e. To re- frain from.
   With अनु (अनुकरोति) To copy, to imitate, to act like or after.
   With अप (अपकुरुते) a. To wrong, to injure. b. To do evil. 5.
   With आङ् (आकुरुते) a. To call. b. To take shape or form.
   6. With उत् (उत्कुरुते) a. To kill or hurt dangerously. b. To collect, to assem- ble.
   With उद्, and आङ् (उदाकुरुते) To reproach.
   With उप (उपकुरुते) To befriend, to serve or assist.
   With उप, and inserted (उपस्कुरुते, or उपस्करोति) To alter. (उपस्करोति) a. To polish, to adorn. b. To assemble. c. To reply.
   With तिरस् (तिरस्करोति) To abuse, to revile.
   With दुर (दुष्करोति) To do evil.
   With निर् and आङ (निराकुरुते) a. To make light of, to contemn. b. To expel. c. To annihilate.
   With परि, and inserted (परिष्करोति) To polish, to refine, to make elegant or perfect.
   With पर and आङ् (पराकरोति) To act well.
   With प्र (प्रकुरुते) a. To begin. b. To do anything quickly. c. To serve. d. To allot, to portion. e. To vio- late. f. To chaunt, to recite.
   With प्रति (प्रतिकुरुते) a. To counter- act. b. To retaliate. c. To remedy.
   With प्रति and उप (प्रत्युपकुरुते) To requite, to return a kindness;
   with वि (विकुरुते) a. To utter, to sound. b. To seek, strive for. (विकरोति) a. To alter, to change in form. b. To disturb or agitate.
   With वि and आङ् (व्याकुरुते) a. To explain, to expound. b. To make manifest or public.
   19. With सम् (संस्करोति) a. To polish, to perfect. b. To assemble, to bring to- gether.
   With सु (सुकरोति) To do well.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 verb  फलम् उद्दिश्य क्रियमाणः कृत्यनुकूलः व्यापारः।   Ex. प्रीतिं कुरुत न युद्धम्/ प्रयत्नं कुरु/ कटं करोति।
कर्मसूचक क्रिया (Verb of Action)क्रिया (Verb)
 verb  करणस्य क्रिया   Ex. कुम्भकारो घटं करोति
निर्माणसूचक (Creation)कर्मसूचक क्रिया (Verb of Action)क्रिया (Verb)
निर् मा
asmনি্র্মাণ কৰা
kokतयार करप
urdبنانا , تیارکرنا , تخلیق کرنا , تعمیرکرنا
 verb  कार्यनिर्वर्तनात्मकः व्यापारः।   Ex. अस्मात् कार्याद् अनन्तरम् अहं भवतः कार्यं करोमि।
()कर्मसूचक क्रिया (Verb of Action)क्रिया (Verb)
आचर् आचेष्ट्
asmকাম কৰা
benকাজ করা
gujકામ કરવું
hinकाम करना
kasکَرُن , کٲم کَرٕنۍ
kokकाम करप
malപണി ചെയ്യുക
marकाम करणे
nepकाम गर्नु
oriକାମ କରିବା
panਕੰਮ ਕਰਨਾ
urdکام کرنا
   See : रचय, विधा

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