Dictionaries | References


   { gaṇḍḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गण्ड  f. m. (cf.गल्ल) the cheek, whole side of the face including the temple (also said of animals e.g. of an ox, [VarBṛS.] ; of a horse, ib.; of an elephant [cf.-करट] [Pañcat.] ; [BhP.] &c.), [Yājñ.] &c. (ifc.f(). , [Ṛtus.] ; f(). , [Kathās. xx] )
   the side, [Rāmapūjāsar.]
   a bubble, boil, pimple, [Suśr.] ; [Śak. ii] (Prākṛt), [Mudr.] ; [Vop.]
   a goitre or any other excrescence of the neck, [AitBr. i, 25] ; [Car. i] ; [Suśr.]
   a joint, bone, [L.]
   the bladder, [L.]
   a mark, spot, [L.]
   part of a horse's trappings, stud or button fixed as an ornament upon the harness, [L.]
गण्डक   a rhinoceros (cf. and °डा-ङ्ग), [L.]
गण्डीर   a hero (cf.), [L.]
-ग्राम   ‘the chief’, best, excellent (only in comp.; cf., -मूर्ख, -शिला, &c.), [L.]
   N. of the 10th astrological योग
गण्डान्त   an astronomical period (cf.), [W.]
   a pledge, [Mṛcch.]
गण्ड  mn. mn. the abrupt interchange of question and answer (one of the characteristics of the dramatic composition called वीथि), [Sāh. vi, 256 and 260] ; [Daśar.] ; [Pratāpar.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गण्डः [gaṇḍḥ]   1 The cheek, the whole side of the face including the temples; गण्डाभोगे पुलकपटलम् [Māl.2.5;] तदीष- दार्द्रारुणगण्डलेखम् [Ku.7.82;] [Me.26,93;] [Amaru.83;] [Ṛs.4.6;6.1;] [Ś.6.18;] [Śi.12.54.]
   An elephant's temple; गण्डोड्डीनालिमाला˚ [Māl.1.1.]
   A bubble.
   A boil, tumour, swelling, pimple; अयमपरो गण्डस्योपरि विस्फोटः [Mu.5;] तदा गण्डस्योपरि पिटिका संवृत्ता [Ś.2.]
   Goitre and other excrescences of the neck.
   A joint, knot.
   A mark, spot; गण्डोज्ज्वलामुज्ज्वलनाभिचक्रया [Śi.12.8.]
   A rhinoceros.
   The bladder.
   A hero, warrior.
   Part of a horse's trappings, a stud or button fixed as an ornament upon the harness.
   An unexpected combination of words consisting in putting one speech immediately after another, so as to be syntactically connected; see वीथि; e. g. राक्षसः- अपि नाम दुरात्मा चाणक्यबटुः । दौवारिकः जयतु ।
-रा˚ -अति- संधातुं शक्यः स्यात् । दौ˚ -अमात्यः ।   Mu.4; so किमस्या न प्रेयो यदि पुनरसह्यस्तु विरहः. दौ˚
-देव उपस्थितः   U.1.
   The tenth yoga or one of the twenty-seven portions of a circle on the plane of the ecliptic.
   An astronomical period. -Comp.
-अङ्गः   a rhinoceros.
-उपधानम्   a pillow; मृदुगण्डोपधानानि शयनानि सुखानि च [Suśr.]
-कुसुमम्   the juice that exudes from the elephant's temples during rut, ichor.
   कूपः a well on the peak or summit of a mountain.
   Upper region or table-land of a mountain.
-ग्रामः   any large or considerable village.
   देशः, प्रदेशः, स्थलम्, पाली, पिण्डः the cheek, the temples of an elephant.
   temple-region (in general); कण्डूलद्विपगण्डपिण्डकषणम् [U.2.9;] [Māl.9.31.]
-फलकम्   a broad cheek; धृतमुग्धगण्डफलकैर्विबभुर्विकसद्भिरास्यकमलैः प्रमदाः [Śi.9.47.]
-भित्तिः  f. f.
   the opening in the temples of an elephant from which ichor exudes during rut.
   'a wall-like cheek', an excellent i. e. broad and expansive cheek; निर्धौतदानामलगण्डभित्तिः (गजः) [R.5.43] (where Malli. says प्रशस्तौ गण्डौ गण्डभित्ति, see et seq.); 12.12.-भेदः a thief; गण़्डभेददास्याः शीलं जानन्नापि आत्मनो भोजनविस्रम्भेण छलितोऽस्मि [Avimāraka 2.]
-मालः, -माला   inflammation of the glands of the neck.
-मूर्ख a.  a. exceedingly foolish, very stupid.
-शिला   any large rock; दृष्टोऽङ्गुष्ठशिरोमात्रः क्षणाद्गण्डशिलासमः [Bhāg.3.13.22.]
   शैलः a huge rock thrown down by an earthquake or storm; [Ki.7.37;] cf. also गण्डशैलैः कारवेल्लैर्लोहकण्टकवेष्टितैः । (अचलः परिपूर्णोऽयम् ...) [Parṇāl 4.75.]
   the forehead; गण्डशैलः कपोले च द्रोणपाषा- णभेदयोः । Nm.; किं पुत्रि गण्डशैलभ्रमेण नवनीरदेषु निद्रासि । Āryā Saptaśatī.
-साह्वया  N. N. of a river, also called गण्डकी.
   स्थलम्, स्थली the cheek; गण्डस्थलेषु मदवारिषु [Pt.1.123;] [Ś. Til.7;] गण्डस्थलीः प्रोषितपत्रलेखाः [R.6.72;] [Amaru.82.]
   temples of an elephant.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गण्ड  m.  (-ण्डः)
   1. A cheek, the whole side of the face including the tem- ple.
   2. An elephant's temple or cheek.
   3. A boil, a pimple.
   4. A mark, a spot.
   5. A bubble.
   6. A knot.
   7. A rhinoceros: (see गण्डक)
   8. Part of a horse's trappings, a stud or button fixed as an orna- ment upon the harness.
   9. A hero.
   10. The abrupt interchange of question and answer, as one of the characteristics of the dramatic composition called Vithi.
   11. The tenth Yoga, or one of the twenty-seven portions of a circle on the plane of the ecliptic: see योग.
   12. An astronomical period.
   E. गडि to affect the cheek, अच् affix, or गम् to go, Unadi aff.
गडि अच् गम्

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