Dictionaries | References


   { gaṇḍakḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : गैंडा, गंडक


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गण्डक  m. m. a rhinoceros, [L.]
   an obstacle, [L.]
   disjunction, separation, [L.]
   a mode of reckoning by fours, [W.]
   a coin of the value of four cowries, [L.]
   a kind of science (astrological science or part of it, [W.] ), [L.]
   (ifc.) a mark, spot (?), [Buddh.]
   a metre of 4 x 20 syllables
   N. of काल (brother of प्रसेनजित्), [Buddh.]
गण्डक  m. m. pl.N. of the विदेहs living on the river गण्डकी, [MBh. ii, 1062]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गण्डकः [gaṇḍakḥ]   [गण्ड स्वार्थे क]
   A rhinoceros.
   An impediment, obstacle.
   A joint, knot.
   A mark, spot.
   A boil, tumour, pimple.
   Disjunction, separation.
   A coin of the value of four cowries.
   A mode of reckoning by fours.
   Astrological science.-Comp.
-वती   see गण्डकी q. v.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गण्डक  m.  (-कः)
   1. A rhinoceros.
   2. A mode of reckoning by fours.
   3. An obstacle or impediment.
   4. Separation, disjunction.
   5. Astrologi- cal science or a part of it.
  f.  (-की) The name of a river in the north of India, the Gandaki.
  f.  (-का) A lump, a ball.
   E. गडि to affect the cheek, &c ण्वुल् affix, fem. affix ङीप्.
गडि ण्वुल् ङीप्

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