Dictionaries | References


   { gandhḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : गंध, गंध


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
 noun  वायुमा मिसिएको कुनै वस्तुको सानो कणको प्रसार जसको ज्ञान वा अनुभव नाकद्वारा हुन्छ   Ex. जङ्गलमा हिँड्दा जङ्गली फुलको गन्ध आइरहेको थियो
सुगन्ध दुर्गन्ध
ज्ञान (Cognition)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
सुगन्ध सुवास बास्ना
urdبو , مہک , گندھ , باس


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गन्ध  f. m. smell, odour (nine kinds are enumerated, viz.इष्ट, अनिष्ट, मधुर, कटु, निर्हारिन्, संहत, स्निग्ध, रूक्ष, विशद, [MBh. xii, 6848] ; a tenth kind is called अम्ल, [L.] ), [RV. i, 162, 10] ; [AV.] ; [VS.] &c. (ifc.f(). , [MBh.] ; [BhP.] )
-जल   a fragrant substance, fragrance, scent, perfume (generally used in pl.; in comp. = ‘fragrant’ cf. &c.), [Gobh.] ; [Lāṭy.] ; [PārGṛ.] &c.
   pounded sandal-wood, [Caurap.]
   a sectarial mark on the forehead (called so in the south of India), [RTL.] p.66
   myrrh, [L.]
   Hyperanthera Moringa, [L.]
   (ifc.) the mere smell of anything, small quantity, little, [MBh. i, 989] ; [Pāṇ. 5-4, 136] ; [Pat.] ; [Suśr. i, 13]
   connection, relationship, [L.]
   a neighbour, [L.]
गर्ध   pride, arrogance, [Megh. 9] (for ?)
   शिव, [MBh. xii, 10378]
गन्ध  n. n. smell, [DhyānabUp. 7 and 9]
   black aloe-wood, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गन्धः [gandhḥ]   [गन्ध्-पचाद्यच्]
   Smell, odour; गन्धमाघ्राय चोर्व्याः [Me.21;] अपघ्नन्तो दुरितं हव्यगन्धैः [Ś.4.8;] [R.12.27.] (गन्ध is changed to गन्धि when as the last member of a Bah. comp. it is preceded by उद्, पूति, सु, सुरभि, or when the compound implies comparison; सुगन्धि, सुरभिगन्धि, कमलगन्धि मुखम्; शालिनिर्यासगन्धिभिः [R.1.38;] आहुति˚ 1.53; also when गन्ध is used in the sense of 'a little').
   Smell considered as one of the 24 properties or guṇas of the Vaiśeṣikas; it is a property characteristic of पृथिवी or earth which is defined as गन्धवती पृथ्वी [T. S.]
   The mere smell of anything, a little, a very small quantity; घृतगन्धि भोजनम् [Sk.]
   A perfume, any fragrant substance; एषा मया सेविता गन्धयुक्तिः [Mk.8;] [Y.1.] 231; [Mu.1.4.]
   Pounded sandal wood.
   Connection, relationship.
   A neighbour.
   Pride, arrogance; as in आत्तगन्ध humbled or mortified.
   An epithet of Śiva.
   A sectarial mark on the forehead.
   Similarity (सादृश्य); डुण्डुभानहिगन्धेन न त्वं हिंसितुमर्हसि [Mb.1.1.3.]
   न्धम् Smell.
   Black aloewood. -Comp.
-अधिकम्   a kind of perfume.
-अपकर्ष- णम्   removing smells.
-अम्बु  n. n. fragrant water.
-अम्ला   the wild lemon tree.
-अश्मन्  m. m. sulphur. ...... गन्धा- श्मानं मनःशिलाम् । [Śiva. B.3.19.]
-अष्टकम्   a mixture of 8 fragrant substances offered to deities, varying in kind according to the nature of the deity to whom they are offered. Generally sandal, camphor, saffron, उशीर, cyperus pertenuis (Mar. नागरमोथा), गोरोचन, देवदार and a flower are used in the mixture.
-आखुः   the musk-rat.-आजीवः a vendor of perfumes.
-आढ्य a.  a. rich in odour, very fragrant; स्रजश्चोत्तमगन्धाढ्याः Mb. (-ढ्यः) the orange tree. (-ढ्यम्) sandal-wood.
-इन्द्रियम्   the organ of smell.
-इभः, -गजः, -द्विपः, -हस्तिन्  m. m. 'the scentelephant', an elephant of the best kind; यस्य गन्धं समाघ्राय न तिष्ठन्ति प्रतिद्विपाः । स वै गन्धगजो नाम नृपतेर्विजयावहः ॥ Pālakāpyam; शमयति गजानन्यान्गन्धद्विपः कलभोऽपि सन् [V.5.] 18; [R.6.7;17.7;] गन्धेन जेतुः प्रमुखागतस्य गन्धद्विपस्येव मतङ्गजौघः । [Ki.17.17.]
-उत्तमा   spirituous liquor.
-उदम्   scented water; [Bhāg.9.11.26.]
-उपजीविन्  m. m. one who lives by perfumes, a perfumer.
-ओतुः   (forming गन्धोतु वार्तिक or गन्धौतु) the civet cat.
   मृगः the civet cat.
   the musk-deer.
-मैथुनः   a bull.-मोदनः sulphur.
-मोहिनी   a bud of the Champaka tree.
-युक्तिः  f. f. preparation of perfumes.
-रसः   myrrh (Mar. रक्त्याबोळ); लाक्षां गन्धरसं चापि ...... [Śiva. B.3.2.] ˚अङ्गकः turpentine.
-राजः   a kind of jasmine.
   (जम्) a sort of perfume.
-लता   the Priyañgu creeper.
   लोलुपा a bee.
   a fly or gnat.-वहः the wind; रात्रिंदिवं गन्धवहः प्रयाति [Ś.5.4;] दिग्दक्षिणा गन्धवहं मुखेन [Ku.3.25.]
-वहा   the nose.
   वाहः the wind; देहं दहन्ति दहना इव गन्धवाहाः [Bv.1.14.]
   the musk-deer.
-वाही   the nose.
-विह्वलः   wheat.
-वृक्षकः, -वृक्ष   the Śāla tree.
-व्याकुलम्   a kind of fragrant berry (कक्कोल.)
-शुण़्डिनी   the musk-rat.
-शेखरः   musk.
   सारः sandal.
   a kind of jasmine.
-सुखी, -सूयी   the musk shrew.
-सोमम्   the white water-lily. -हस्तिन्m. a scent-elephant; यस्य गन्धं समाघ्राय न तिष्ठन्ति प्रतिद्विपाः । तं गन्धहस्तिनं प्राहुर्नृपतोर्विजयावहम् ॥ Pālakāpyam.
-हारिका   a female servant whose business is to prepare perfumes; cf. गन्धकारिका.
   कारिका a female servant whose business is to prepare perfumes.
   a female artisan living in the house of another, but not altogether subject to another's control.
-कालिका, -काली  f. f. N. of Satyavatī, mother of Vyāsa; [Mb.1.]
-काष्ठम्   aloe-wood.
   कुटी a kind of perfume.
   (टिः, टी) The Buddhist temple, any chamber used by Buddha; पुण्योद्देशवशाच्चकार रुचिरां शौद्धोदनेः श्रद्धया । श्रीमद्गन्धकुटीमिमामिव कुटीं मोक्षस्य सौख्यस्य च ॥ (An inscription at Gayā V.9. Ind. Ant. Vol.X).
-केलिका, -चेलिका   musk.
-ग   a.
   taking a scent, smelling.
-गजः   see गन्धेभ.
-गुण a.  a. having the property of odour.
-घ्राणम्   the smelling of any odour.
-चरा  f. f. The fourth stage of must of an elephant; [Mātaṅga L.9.15.]
-जलम्   fragrant water; सिक्तां गन्धजलैः [Bhāg.1.11.14.]
-ज्ञा   the nose.
-तूर्यम्   a musical instrument of a loud sound used in battle (as a drum or trumpet).
   तैलम् a fragrant oil, a kind of oil prepared with fragrant substances.
-दारु  n. n. aloe-wood.
-द्रव्यम्   a fragrant substance.
-द्वार a.  a. perceptible through the odour.
-धारिन् a.  a. bearing fragrance. (-m.) an epithet of Śiva.
-धूलिः  f. f. musk.
-नकुलः   the musk-rat.
-नालिका, -नाली   the nose.-निलया a kind of jasmine.
-पः  N. N. of a class of manes.-पत्रा,
-पलाशी   a species of zedoary.
-पलाशिका   turmeric.-पालिन् m. an epithet of Śiva.
-पाषाणः   sulphur.-पिशाचिका the smoke of burnt fragrant resin (so called from its dark colour or cloudy nature, or perhaps from its attracting demons by fragrance).
   पुष्पः the Vetasa plant.
   The Ketaka plant.
   (ष्पम्) a fragrant flower.
   flowers and sandal offered to deities at the time of worship.
-पुष्पा   an indigo plant.-पूतना a kind of imp or goblin.
   फली the Priyañgu creeper.
   a bud of the Champaka tree.
-बन्धुः   the mango tree.
-मातृ  f. f. the earth.
-मादन a.  a. intoxicating with fragrance.
   (नः) a large black bee.
   an epithet of Rāvaṇa. (-नः,
-नम्)  N. N. of a particular mountain to the east of Meru, renowned for its fragrant forests ( the forest on this mountain.-मादनी spirituous liquor.
-मादिनी   lac.
-मार्जारः   the civet cat.
-मुखा, -मूषिकः, -मूषी  f. f. the musk rat.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गन्ध   r. 10th cl. (गन्धयते)
   1. To injure, to hurt or kill.
   2. To move, to go. 3. To ask or beg.
गन्ध  m.  (-न्धः)
   1. Smell, odour.
   2. A perfume, a fragrance or fragrant substance.
   3. A diffusive fragrance.
   4. Sulphur.
   5. Connexion, relationship.
   6. A neighbour.
   7. A plant, (Morunga hyperanthera, &c.)
   8. Pride, arrogance.
   9. Small, diminutive, a little, a small quantity, &c.
   10. Pounded Sandal.
  f.  (-न्धा) The bud of the Cham- paca flower, (Michelia Champaca.)
  n.  (-न्धं) Aloe-wood.
   E. गन्ध् to hurt, to move, &c. affix अच्.
गन्ध् अच्

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