गुणिन् mfn. mfn. ‘furnished with a string or rope (as a hunter)’ and ‘endowed with good qualities’
[ŚārṅgP.] ;
[Subh.] containing parts, consisting of parts,
[Pāṇ. 5-2, 47] ,
Vārtt. 1
endowed with good qualities or merits,
[ŚvetUp. vi] ;
[Mn. viii, 73] ;
[Yājñ.] &c.
auspicious (a day),
[Daś. vii, 296 f.] endowed with the good qualities of or contained in (in
comp. ),
[MārkP. xxvii, 9] requiring the first gradation (a vowel),
[Kāt. iii f.] ‘possessing qualities’ or (m.) ‘quality-possessor’, object, thing, noun, substantive,
[Yājñ. iii, 69] ;
[BhP. ii, 8, 14] गुणिन् m. m. ‘furnished with a string’, a bow,