Dictionaries | References


   { जॄ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गॄ   1.cl. 9. Ā.P.गृणा॑ति, °णीते॑ (1. sg.Ā. and 3. sg. Pass.गृणे॑, [RV.] ; 1. sg.Ā.गृणीषे॑, [RV.] ; 2. pl.गृण॑ता, [AV. v, 27, 9] ; p.P.गृण॑त्, [RV.] &c.; Ā. & Pass.गृणान॑, [RV.] ; Ved.inf.Impv.गृणीष॑णि, [RV. vi, 15, 6 and viii, 12, 19] ),
to call, call out to, invoke, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [ŚBr. iv] ; [Bhag. xi, 21] ;
to announce, proclaim, [RV.] ;
to mention with praise, praise, extol, [RV.] ; [BhP. xi, 13, 41] ; [Bhaṭṭ. viii, 77] ;
to pronounce, recite, [MBh. vii, 1754] ; [Ragh.] ; [BhP. i, 1, 14] ;
to relate, teach in verses, 4, 9; [Gaṇit. i, 4, 5] ;

गॄ   [cf.γηρύω, γλῶσσα; Hib.goirim; Old Germ.quar, quir, &c.; Old Pruss.gerbu, ‘to speak’; Angl.Sax.gale; Germ.Nachtigal; Lat.gallus ?]
गॄ   2.cl. 6. P.गिरति or (cf.[Pāṇ.,8-2, 21] ) गिलति ([ŚBr. i] ; [MBh.] ; [Suśr.] ), ep. also Ā.गिरते (1. sg.गि॑रामि, [AV. vi, 135, 3] ; perf.जगार, [RV.] ; aor.Subj. 3. pl.गरन्, [RV. i, 158, 5] ),
to swallow, devour, eat, [RV.] &c.;
to emit or eject from the mouth, [MBh. xii, 12872] :
Caus. (aor. 2. sg. अजीगर्) to swallow, [RV. i, 163, 7] :
Intens.जेगिल्यते, [Pāṇ. 8-2, 20] :
Desid.जिगरिषति, vii, 2, 75;

गॄ   [cf.2.गल्, 2 गिर्, गिल, 2. गीर्ण॑; Lith.gerru, ‘to drink’; Lat.glu-tio, gula; Slav.gr-lo; Russ.žora.]
गॄ   3. (= √ 3.कॄ) cl. 10. Ā.गारयते, to know, [Dhātup. xxxiii, 33] ;
to make known, teach, ib.
जॄ   1. (cf.जुर्) cl. 1. P. (3. pl.ज॑रन्ति; Impv. 2. du.ज॑रतम्; p.ज॑रत् See s.v.)
to make old or decrepit, [RV. vi, 24, 7] ;
to cause to grow old, vii, 67, 10;
(√ 1.जृ) to humiliate, [L.] : cl. 4. P.जी॑र्यति ([AV.] &c.; also Ā.°ते; p.जीर्यत्, rarely °यमाण; once cl. 1. Ā.Subj. 3. pl.जरन्त, [RV. x, 31, 7] ; cl. 9. जृणाति, [Dhātup. xxxi, 24] ; cl. 10. जारयति, xxxiv, 9; pf.जजा॑र, [AV., x, 8, 26 &c.] ; once जागार, v, 19, 10; 3. pl.जजरुर् and जेरुर्, [Pāṇ. 6-4, 124] ; aor.अजरत् and अजारीत्, iii, 1, 38; Subj. 3. pl.जारिषुर्, [RV.] ; fut. 1st जरिता and °रीता, [Vop. xi, 2] ; ind.p.°रित्वा and °रीत्वा, [Pāṇ. 7-2, 55] )
to grow old, become decrepit, decay, wear out, wither, be consumed, break up, perish, [RV.] ; [AV.] &c.;
to be dissolved or digested, [Yājñ. ii, 111] ; [MBh. i, 1331] ; [Suśr.] ; [VarBṛS.] ; [Bhaṭṭ.] ;
Caus.जरयति (ep. also Ā.°ते; p.°र॑यत्, [RV.] [once, जर्°, i, 124, 10] &c.)
to make old, wear out, consume, [RV.] ; [TS. iv] ; [KaṭhUp.] ; [MBh.] &c.;
to digest, [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [Car. i, 21] ;
to cause to be digested, [MBh. xii] ; [R.] ; [BhP.]
जॄ   2. (= √ गॄ) cl. 1. Ā.ज॑रते (p.ज॑रमाण) to crackle (as fire), [RV.] ;
([Naigh. iii, 14] ) to call out to, address, invoke, praise, [RV.] ;


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
   गॄ [g]ॄ, I. 9 P. (गृणाति, गूर्ण)
   To utter a sound, call out, invoke; नामापि नाम गृणताममृतत्वाय कल्पताम् [Mv.7.15.]
   To announce, speak, utter, proclaim; ब्रह्मर्षिभिः परं ब्रह्म गृण- द्भिरुपतस्थिरे [R.1.63.]
   To relate, promulgate.
   To praise. extol; केचिद्भीताः प्राञ्जलयो गृणन्ति [Bg.11.21;] [Bk.8.77.] With अनु to encourage; गृणद्भ्योऽनुगृणन्त्यन्ये [Bk.8.77.] -II. 6 P. (गिरति or गिलति)
   To swallow, devour, eat up.
   To send forth, pour out, spit out, or eject, from the mouth. With अव (Ātm.) to eat, devour; तथावगिरमाणैश्च पिशाचैर्मांसशोणितम् [Bk.8.3.] -III 1 Ā. (गारयते)
   To make known, relate.
   To teach.
   जॄ [j]ॄ, I. 1, 4, 9 P., 1 U. (जरति, जीर्यति, जृणाति, जारयति- ते, जजार, जारयामास, अजरत्, अजारीत्, अजीजरत्, जरि-री-तुम्, जीर्ण or जारित)
   To grow old, wear out, wither away, decay; जीर्यन्ते जीर्यतः केशा दन्ता जीर्यन्ति जीर्यतः । जीर्यतश्चक्षुषी श्रोत्रे तृष्णैका तरुणायते [Pt.5.16;] [Bk.9.41.]
   To perish, be consumed (fig. also); अजारीदिव च प्रज्ञा बलं शोकात्तथाऽ- जरत् [Bk.6.3;] जेरुराशा दशास्यस्य 14.112.
   To be dissolved or digested; जीर्णमन्नं प्रशंसीयात् [Chāṇ.79;] उदरे चाजरन्नन्ये [Bk.15.15.]
   To break up or fall to pieces.-Caus. (ज-जा-रयति)
   To make old, wear out, consume.
   To cause to be digested; to digest. -II.
   Ā. (जरते) Ved.
   To move, approach, come near.
   To crackle (as fire).
   To roar.
   To call out to, invoke, praise.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गॄ   r. 6th cl. (गिरति or गिलति) To swallow, to eat.
   r. 9th cl. (गृणाति) To sound, to sound intelligibly or articulately, to speak.
   r. 10th cl. (गीरयते)
   1. To know.
   2. To make known, to teach.
   With निर् or उत् prefixed, To reject, to vomit.
   With सम् and उत्,
   1. To throw up.
   2. To cry aloud.
जॄ   r. 1st cl. (जरति) 4th cl. (जीर्य्यति) 9th cl. (जृणाति) and 10th cl. (जरयति- ते)
   1. To grow old, to be or become old or decayed.
   2. To be con- sumed, to perish.
   3. To be digested.
   E. भ्वा-अक-सेट् . दिवा-प-अक-सेट् इदित् . क्य्रादि-प्वादि-अक-सेट् . पक्षे चुरा-उभ० .
भ्वा-अक-सेट् . दिवा-प-अक-सेट् इदित् . क्य्रादि-प्वादि-अक-सेट् . पक्षे चुरा-उभ० .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : भुज्, प्रशंस्

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