घटः [ghaṭḥ] [घट-अच्]
A large earthen water-jar, pitcher, jar, watering-pot; आकाशमेकं हि यथा घटादिषु पृथग्भवेत्
[Y. 3.144;] कूपे पश्य पयोनिधावपि घटो गृह्णाति तुल्यं जलम्
[Bh.2.49.] The sign Aquarius of the zodiac (also called कुम्भ).
An elephant's frontal sinus.
Suspending the breath as a religious exercise.
A measure equal to 2 droṇas.
A part of a column; स्तम्भं विभज्य नवधा वहनं भागो घटोऽस्य भागोऽन्यः
[Bṛi. S.53.29.] A border.
A peculiar form of a temple;
[Bṛi. S.56.18,26.] The head; 'घटः समाधिभेदे ना शिरः कूटकटेषु च' Medinī;
[Mb.1.155.38.] -Comp.
-आटोपः covering for a carriage or any article of furniture.
-उदरः N. N. of Gaṇeśa; घटोदरः शूर्पकर्णो गणाध्यक्षो मदोत्कटः
[Ks.55.165.] -उद्भवः, -जः, -योनिः, -संभवः epithets of the sage Agastya.-ऊधस् f. (forming घटोध्नी) a cow with a full udder; गाः कोटिशः स्पर्शयता घटोध्नीः
[R.2.49.] -कञ्चुकि n. n. a rite practised by Tāntrikas and Śāktas (in which the bodices of different women are placed in a receptacle (घट) and the men present at the ceremony are allowed to take them out one by one and then cohabit with the woman to whom each bodice belongs); Āgamapr.
कर्परः N. of a poet.
a piece of a broken jar, pot-sherd; जीयेय येन कविना यमकैः परेण तस्मै वहेयमुदकं घट- कर्परेण Ghāṭ.22.
-कारः, -कृत् m. m. a potter;
[Bṛi. S.15.] 1;16.29.
-ग्रहः a water-bearer.
-दासी a procuress; cf. कुम्भदासी.
-पर्यसनम् the ceremony of performing the funeral rites of a patita or apostate (who is unwilling to go back to his caste &c.) during his very life-time.
-भवः, -योनिः Agastya.
-भेदनकम् an instrument used in making pots.
-राजः a water-jar of baked clay.
-स्थापनम् placing a water-pot as a type of Durgā for nine days (नवरात्रम्).