v i Cry; bewail. To undergo destruction.
To cry, to utter lamentations or to shed tears. 2 To bewail, bemoan, lament, deplore, regret. Pr. सदा मरे त्याला कोण रडे? 3 fig. To undergo destruction, blasting, marring; to be smashed, squashed, dished. Used freely. Ex. चार दिवस मामलत होती तीही रडली आतां लागले भीक मागायाला; माझें काय तेथें रडतें; तुझें काय त्यावांचून रडतें. 4 This verb is used with the uttermost license in reviling the mode of doing, proceeding, or being of a matter. Ex. आजपर्यंत मामलत रडत होती तेव्हां काय आह्माला दिल्हें तें आ- तां देणार; हा तीन वर्षें शेत रडला पण कांहीं झालें नाहीं, मी सावकारी करीन म्हटलें ती रडली आतां दुसरें कांहीं रडावें. Further exemplification may be obtained hourly in the streets. रडत्याचें अंसू पुसणें To wipe away the tears of the afflicted. 2 fig. To beguile a mourner or a petitioner with solitary words of consolation or with empty promises.
n Crying; bewailing.
noun रडपाची क्रिया
Ex. निरोपा वेळार ताचें रडणें थांब नासलें
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