Dictionaries | References


   { jvara }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
JVARA   (Jvaram) (Fever).
1) General information.
A fearful being. It is stated in the Purāṇas that living beings catch fever owing to the activities of this monster.
2) The origin of jvara.
Once Śiva and Pārvatī were talking with each other in the Holy Bath called Jyotiṣkam on mount Mahāmeru. On that day Dakṣa had performed a sacrifice at Gaṅgādvāra. Śiva alone was not invited. Seeing the Gods Brahmā and the others going to that place through the sky, Pārvatī asked Śiva what the matter was. Śiva explained everything to Pārvatī, who became very sorry because her husband had not been invited. Śiva grew uneasy at the sorrow of his wife. A drop of sweat fell down from his third eye. A fearful monster with the lustre of fire arose from that drop of sweat. That figure is described as follows: “A terrible monster, with dwarfish figure, staring eyes, green moustaches, hair standing erect on head and body covered with hair all over, looking like a combination of hawk and owl, with jet-black colour, wearing a blood-coloured cloth.” [M.B. Śānti Parva, Chapter 283] . “With three legs, three heads, six hands and nine eyes, comes Jvara the terrible monster, as fierce as Yama the god of death and fearful like a thousand clouds with thunderbolt, gaping and sighing, with tight body and horrible face, rendered so by many eyes.” [M.B. Viṣṇu Parva, Chapter 122] . To this uncouth figure Śiva gave the name Jvara, who dashed away and entered into all devas (gods). Brahmā and the others caught fever and were laid up. At last they all came to Śiva. Hearing their request Śiva divided Jvara into several parts and separated them from devas and entered them into other living beings, and ordered that, headache for elephants, green coverings for water, shedding of skin for snakes, hoof-rot for cows, sore-throat for horses, feather-sprouting for peacocks, sore-eye for cuckoo, hiccough for parrot, weariness for tigers and fever for men will be caused by Jvara. It was the time of the terrorization of Vṛtrāsura. Jvara caught hold of that Asura also. It was at this time that Indra used his thunderbolt and killed Vṛtrāsura. [M.B. Śānti Parva, Chapter 283] ;[M.B. Viṣṇu Parva, Chapter 122] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : बुखार


ज्वर n.  कश्यप तथा सुरभि का पुत्र ।
ज्वर II. n.  एक रोग एवं बाणासुर का सैनिक । यह शिवजी के स्वेद (पसीना) से पैदा हुआ । यह बडा शक्तिशाली था । संसार के कल्याण के लिये, शिवजी ने इसके टुकडे टुकडे क्रिये एवं वे इतस्ततः बिखेर दिये [म.शां.२७४] । बाणासुर तथा कृष्ण के युद्ध में, बलराम को इसने जर्जर किया था । कृष्ण पर भी इसने हमला किया । अन्त में यह कृष्ण की शरण में आया । इसका त्रिपाद, त्रिशिरस ऐसा स्वरुप वर्णन प्राप्त है [ह.वं. २.१२२-१२३] ;[भा. १०.६३]


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   Quotidian fever.


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
   See : ताप


  पु. ताप . पुढें दिलेल्या शब्दांसंबंधानें वैद्यांमध्यें फार मतभेद असल्यानें ते येथें सार्थ दिले आहेत . ज्वराचे प्रकार - ऐकाहिक ज्वर - १ रोजच्या रोंज येणारा ताप . २ एकामागोमाग चढउतार होणारा ताप . द्वयाहिक ज्वर = १ दोन दिवसांच्या अंतरानें येणारा ताप . २ रोज दोनदां भरणारा ताप . ३ फक्त मध्यें एकच दिवस न येणारा ताप . त्र्याहिक ज्वर = १ तिसरे दिवशीं येणारा ( मध्यें दोन दिवस अगदीं न येणारा ) ताप . २ प्रत्येक तिसर्‍या दिवशीं येणारा . ३ तीन दिवस सतत येणारा . चातुर्थिक ज्वर = चवथ्या दिवशीं येणारा ताप . आतां माधवनिदानाच्या मतें - ऐकाहिक - चढउताराचा ताप . द्वयाहिक = एक दिवसाआड येणारा ताप . त्र्याहिक = दोन दोन दिवस सोडून येणारा ताप . चातुर्थिक = चवथ्या दिवशीं येणारा ( याबद्दल मात्र सर्वांचें एकमत आहे ). मात्र सतत ज्वर व संततज्वर यांमध्यें भेद आहे . सततज्वर = चढउतार होणारा ताप . संततज्वर = एकसारखा सतत येणारा अन्येद्यु := रोज भरणारा ताप ; ऐकाहिक ज्वर . [ सं . ] सामाशब्द -
०पाचवा   पाचावा - पु . १ ताप निघाल्यावर लगेच हिंडाफिरावयास लागल्यावर पुन्हां उलटलेला ताप . पाचावा पहा . २ दृष्टीनें उलटलेला ताप .
०विपाक  पु. तापाचा भर ; ऐन जोरांत असलेला ताप . विपाक पहा . [ सं . ]
०सृष्टि  स्त्री. तापाच्या गुंगीमुळें पडणारें स्वप्न , होणारा भास . [ सं . ] ज्वरांकुश - पु . तापावरील एक औषध . [ सं . ] ज्वरातिसार - पु . तापाबरोबरचा अतिसार ; हगवण . [ सं . ] ज्वरांश - पु . तापाची कसर ; कणकण ; तापाचीं लक्षणें . [ सं . ] ज्वरित , ज्वरी - वि . ताप आलेला . [ सं . ]


   अष्‍ट ज्‍वर
   वात, पित्त, कफ, सन्निपात, आगंतुक, वातपित्त, वातकफ, कफपित्त.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ज्वर  m. m. (g.वृषा-दि) fever (differing according to the different दोषस् or humors of the body supposed to be affected by it; ‘leader and king of all diseases’ [Suśr.] ), [MBh.] &c.
   fever of the soul, mental pain, affliction, grief, ib.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ज्वर [jvara] a.  a. [ज्वर् भावे थ]
   Heated, feverish.
   Excited, inflamed.
   रः Fever, feverish heat (in medicine); स्वेद्यमानज्वरं प्राज्ञः कोऽम्भसा परिषिञ्चति [Śi.2.54;] also used fig.; दर्पज्वरः, मदनज्वरः, मदज्वरः &c.
   Fever of the soul, mental pain, affliction, distress, grief, sorrow; व्येतु ते मनसो ज्वरः Rām.; मनसस्तदुपस्थिते ज्वरे [R.8.84;] [Bg.3.] 3.
-रा   Fever. -Comp.
-अग्निः   the paroxysm of fever.-अङ्कुशः a febrifuge.
-अन्तकः   Cathartocarpus fistula.-अरिः 'febrifuge', cocculus cordifolius.
-क्षयः   antifebrile.
-गण्डः  N. N. of a disease; जलोदरे तृषारोगे ज्वरगण्डे विषूचके [Mb.12.33.6.]
-प्रतीकारः   cure of fever, febrifuge.-हन्त्री 'febrifuge', Rubia Munjsta.
-हर a.  a. febrifuge.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ज्वर   r. 1st cl. (ज्वरति) To be diseased, to be feverish, &c. भ्वा-प-अक .
ज्वर  m.  (-रः)
   1. Fever, intermitting or continued.
   2. Mental Pain, affli- ction, Distress.
   E. ज्वर to be feverish, affix भावेघ .
ज्वर भावेघ .

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