तिमिर mfn. mf(आ)n. ( fr. तमर् [Old Germ. demar] = त॑मस्) dark, gloomy, [MBh. vi, 2379] ; [R. vi, 16, 104] -नयन = , [VarBṛ. xx, 1] Sch. तिमिर m. m. a sort of aquatic plant ( cf. -वन), [VarBṛS. lv, 11] तिमिर f. n. darkness (also pl. ), [Yājñ. iii, 172] ; [MBh.] &c. ( ifc. f(आ). , [R. v, 10, 2] ; [Kathās. xviii] ) तिमिर n. n. darkness of the eyes, partial blindness (a class of morbid affections of the coats [ पटल] of the eye), [Suśr. i, iii, v f.] ; [Aṣṭâṅg. vi, 13] ; [Rājat. iv, 314] iron-rust, [Npr.] N. of a town, [R. iv, 40, 26] तिमिर cf. वि-, स-.