द्वितीय [dvitīya] a. a. Second; त्वं जीवितं त्वमसि मे हृदयं द्वितीयम्
[U. 3.26;] [Me.85;] [R.3.49.] यः the second in a family, a son.
A companion, partner, friend (usually at the end of comp.); प्रयतपरिग्रहद्वितीयः
[R.1.95;] [Ku.3.35;] so छाया˚, दुःख˚ &c.
The second letter of a class.
The second person (in gram.).
या The second day of a lunar fortnight. ˚चन्द्र the young moon; द्वितीया- चन्द्र इवाधिकतरं शोभते प्रियवयस्यः
[Ratn.4.2] /3.
A wife, companion, partner; द्वितीयां मदभीष्टाय भार्यार्थे स्वीकरिष्यसि
[Ks.98.33.] (In gram.) The accusative case.
-यम् The half.
-यम् ind. A second time, again. -Comp. आश्रमः the second stage or period of the religious life of a Brāhmaṇa; i. e. गार्हस्थ्य.
-वयस् a. a. having arrived at the second stage of life.