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   { dhṛ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
धृ   cl. 1. Ā.P.धरति, °ते ([Dhātup. xxii, 3] ; Ā.Pot.धरेरन्, [ĀpŚr.] ), but more commonly in the same sense the Caus. form धारयति, °ते (perf.P.दाधा॑र, °ध॑र्थ [Impv. दधर्तु, [AV.Paipp.] ]; Ā.दध्रे॑, 3. pl.°ध्रिरे॑, [RV.] &c. &c.; aor.अधारम्, [R.] ; अधृत, धृथास्, [AV.] ; अ॑दीधरत्, [RV.] &c. &c. [दीधर्, दिधृतम्, °त, [RV.] ; 3. pl.°रत, [ŚBr.] ]; अदार्षीत्Gr.; fut.धरिष्यति, [MBh.] ; °ष्ये॑, [AV.] ; धर्ता, [BhP.] ; inf.धर्तुम्, [Kāv.] , °तवै, [Br.] [धर्त॑रि See under °तृ]; ind.p.धृत्वा, -धृत्य, [Br.] )
to hold, bear (also bring forth), carry, maintain, preserve, keep, possess, have, use, employ, practise, undergo, [RV.] &c. &c.;
(with or scil.आत्मानम्, जीवितम्, प्राणान्, देहम्, शरीरम् &c.) to preserve soul or body, continue living, survive, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. (esp.fut.धरिष्यति; cf.Pass. below);
to hold back, keep down, stop, restrain, suppress, resist, [Br.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.;
to place or fix in, bestow or confer on (loc.), [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [Br.] &c.;
to destine for (dat.; Ā. also to be destined for or belong to), [RV.] ;
to present to (gen.), [Kāraṇḍ.] ;
to direct or turn (attention, mind, &c.) towards, fix or resolve upon (loc. or dat.), [Up.] ; [Yājñ.] ; [MBh.] ;
Ā. to be ready or prepared for, [ŚBr.] ;
Ā.P. to owe anything (acc.)
to (dat. or gen.), [MBh.] (cf.[Pāṇ. 1-4, 35] );
to prolong (in pronunciation), [AitBr.] ; [RPrāt.] ;
to quote, cite, [L.] ;
(with गर्भम्) to conceive, be pregnant (older °भम्-√ भृ), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.;
(with दण्डम्) to inflict punishment on (loc.), [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [BhP.] (also दमम्);
(with केशान्, or श्मश्रु) to let the hair or beard grow, [MBh.] ;
(with रश्मीन् [ib.] or प्रहरान् [[Śak.] ]) to draw the reins tight;
(with धरमम्) to fulfil a duty, [R.] ;
(with व्रत॑म्) to observe or keep a vow, [RV.] &c. &c.;
(with धारणाम्) to practise self-control, [Yājñ.] ;
(wit. इपस्) to perform penance, [BhP.] ;
(with मूर्ध्ना or °ध्नि, शिरसा or °सि) to bear on the head, honour highly, [Kāv.] ;
(with or scil.तुलया) to hold in a balance, weigh, measure, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.;
(with or scil.मनसा) to bear in mind, recollect, remember, ib.;
(with समये) to hold to an agreement, cause to make a compact, [Pañc. i, 125/126] (B.दृष्ट्वा for धृत्वा) :
Pass.ध्रिय॑ते (ep. also °यति; pf.दध्रे॑ &c. = Ā.; aor.अधारि)
to be borne &c.;
to be firm, keep steady, [RV.] &c. &c.;
continue living, exist, remain, [Br.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. (also धार्यते, [R.] );
to begin, resolve upon, undertake (dat.; acc. or inf.), [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [ChUp.] :
Caus.धार॑यति, °ते See above:
Desid.दिधीर्षति (See °षा), दिधरिषते, [Pāṇ. 7-2, 75] ;
दिधारयिषति, to wish to keep up or preserve (आत्मानम्), [Gobh. iii, 5, 30] :
Intens.द॑र्धर्ति ([RV.] ) and दाधर्ति (3. pl.°ध्रति, [TS.] ; cf.[Pāṇ. 7-4, 65] )
to hold fast, bear firmly, fasten.
धृ   [cf.Zd.dar; Gk.θρόνος, θρᾶ-νος, ; Lat.frē-tus, frē-num.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
धृ [dhṛ]   I. 6 Ā. (Supposed by some to be a passive form of धृ); (ध्रियते, धृत)
   To be or exist, live, continue to live, survive; आर्यपुत्र ध्रिये एषा ध्रिये [U.3;] ध्रियते यावदेकोऽपि रिपु- स्तावत्कुतः सुखम् [Śi.2.35;15.89;] नष्टा शरीरैः क्रतुभिर्धरन्ते [Pt.1.]
   To be maintained or preserved, remain, continue; सुरतश्रमसंभृतो मुखे ध्रियते स्वेदलवोद्गमोऽपि ते [R.8.51;] [Ku.4.18.]
   To resolve upon. -II. 1. P., 1 U. (धरति, usually धारयति-ते, धृत, धारित)
   To hold, bear, carry; भुजङ्गमपि कोपितं शिरसि पुष्पवद्धारयेत् [Bh.2.4;] वैणवीं धारयेद्यष्टिं सोदकं च कमण्डलुम् [Ms.4.36;] [Bk.17.54;] [V.4.36.]
   To hold or bear up, maintain, support, sustain; अभिनवजलधरसुन्दर धृतमन्दर...... [Gīt.1.2.7;] यथा सर्वाणि भूतानि धरा धारयते समम् [Ms.9.311;] [Pt.1.126;] प्रातःकुन्दप्रसवशिथिलं जीवितं धारयेथाः [Me.115;] चिरमात्मना धृताम् [R.3.35;] [U.3.29.]
   To hold in one's possession, possess, have, keep; या संस्कृता धार्यते [Bh.2.19.]
   To assume, take (as a form, disguise &c.); केशव धृतसूकररूप [Gīt.1.1.4;] धारयति कोकनदरूपम् 1.4.
   To wear, put on, use (clothes, ornaments &c.); श्रितकमलाकुचमण्डल धृत- कुण्डल ए [Gīt.1.2.1.]
   To hold in check, curb, restrain, stop, detain; त्वया हि धर्मो विधृतः कृत्स्नं धारयते जगत् [Mb.1.] 63.5; दधार द्रोणमायान्तं वेलेव सरितां पतिम् [Mb.7.16.21.]
   To fix upon, direct towards; (with dat. or loc.) ब्राह्मण्ये धृतमानसः, मनो दध्रे राजसूयाय &c.
   To suffer, undergo.
   To assign anything to any person, allot, assign.
   To owe anything to a person (with dat.; rarely gen. of person, 1 only in this sense); वृक्षसेचने द्वे धारयसि मे [Ś.1;] तस्मै तस्य वा धनं धारयति &c.
   To hold, contain.
   To observe, practise.
   To cite, quote.
   To keep, retain (in one's service).
   To preserve, maintain.
   To seize, lay hold of.
   To hold out or on, endure.
   To fix, place, deposit.
   To intend in mind; स यद्यदेवासृजत तत्तदत्तुमध्रियत [Bṛi. Up.1.2.5.] (The senses of this root may be variously modified according to the noun with which it is connected; e. g. मनसा धृ to bear in mind, remember; शिरसा, मूर्ध्नि धृ to bear on the head, respect highly; अन्तरे धृ to pledge, deposit anything as surety; समये धृ to bring to terms or agreement; दण्डं धृ to punish, chastise, use force; जीवितम्, प्राणान्, गात्रम्, शरीरम्, देहम् &c. धृ to continue to live, maintain the soul &c.; preserve the vital spirits; व्रतं धृ to observe a vow; इत्थं व्रतं धारयतः प्रजार्थम् [R.2.25;] तुलया धृ to hold in a balance, weigh &c.; मनः, मतिम्, चित्तम्, बुद्धिम् धृ to bend the mind to a thing, fix the mind upon, think of, resolve upon; गर्भं धृ to become pregnant, conceive; धारणां धृ to practise concentration or selfcontrol &c.)


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
धृ (ङ) धृङ्   r. 1st cl. (धरते) To fall.
धृ (ङ) धृङ्   r. 6th cl. (ध्रियते)
धृ (ङ) धृङ्   1. To continue. to remain.
धृ (ङ) धृङ्   2. To have or hold, (ञ) धृञ्
धृ (ङ) धृङ्   r. 1st cl. (धरति-ते) To have or hold, to keep, to maintain.
धृ (ङ) धृङ्   r. 1st cl. (धरति) To sprinkle.
धृ (ङ) धृङ्   r. 10th cl. (धारयति-ते) To hold.
धृ (ङ) धृङ्   With अप or निर् prefixed, To verify, to make sure or certain. स्थितौ अक० धृतौ सक० उभ० भ्वा० अनिट् . तुदा० आ० अनिट् . चुरा० उभ० सक० सेट् .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 verb  उपनेत्रादीनां शरीरे धारणानुकूलः व्यापारः।   Ex. इदानीं बालकाः अपि उपनेत्रं धारयन्ति।
कार्यसूचक (Act)कर्मसूचक क्रिया (Verb of Action)क्रिया (Verb)
भृ धा

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