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   { nakṣatrayoga }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English
NAKṢATRAYOGA   It is ordained in the Purāṇas that alms-giving on each star or day will be rewarded by particular attainments. This is called Nakṣatrayoga. The Nakṣatrayoga of each star is given below:-
- 1) Aśvayuk:
--Those who give horses and chariots as alms on this day, would be born again in a noble family.
2) Bharaṇī:
--If lands and cows are given to Brahmins on this day, one would get a large number of cows and will become famous in heaven.
3) Kṛttikā:
--If rice-pudding is given to Brahmins to their satisfaction on this day the giver will attain the prominent worlds after death.
4) Rohiṇī:
--If milk-rice and venison mingled with ghee is given to Brahmins on this day, his indebtedness to the manes would end.
5) Mṛgaśiras:
--(Candra nakṣatra). If a milch-cow is given as alms on this day, one would attain heaven.
6) Ārdrā:
--If fast is taken and gingelly oil is given as alms on this day, the giver will become capable of crossing mountains and trenches.
7) Punarvasu:
--He who gives bread on this day will be born again in a good family.
8) Puṣya:
--He who gives gold as alms on this day will enter the world of bright planets.
9) Āśleṣā:
--He who gives an ox made of silver as alms on this day, will become fearless.
10) Maghā:
--He who gives gingelly as alms on this day will become prosperous with cows.
11) Pūrvaphalgunī:
--If ghee-rice is given to Brahmins taking fast on this day, the giver would become happy and prosperous.
12) Uttaraphalgunī:
--He who gives rice of Nīvara variety mixed with milk and ghee on this day will be honoured in heaven.
13) Hasta:
--If one gives four horses and an elephant as alms, on this day, one will attain the world of bliss.
14) Citrā:
--He who gives oxen and perfumery as alms on this day, will enter the parks in which celestial maids play.
15) Svāti:
--He who gives any sort of wealth as alms on this day will become renowned in the worlds.
16) Viśākhā:
--He who gives as alms on this day, oxen, milch-cow, grain-box, cart, paddy and diamond will attain heaven.
17) Anurādhā:
--He who gives cloth, rice and blanket on this day will be honoured in heaven for a hundred yugas.
18) Jyeṣṭhā:
--If Brahmins are given yams and greens on this day one could realize one's wishes.
19) Mūlā:
--The manes will be contented, if Brahmins are given roots and nuts on this day.
20) Pūrvāṣāḍhā:
--If Brahmins who are expounders of Vedas are given as alms pots of curd, after observing fast, the givers will take birth again in families with many cows.
21) Uttarāṣāḍhā:
--He who gives milk and ghee to wise men will be honoured in heaven.
22) Śravaṇa:
--Those who give cloth and rug on this day will enter a white conveyance and reach heaven.
23) Śraviṣṭhā:
--Those who give cattle, cart and cloth on this day will enter heaven.
24) Śatabhiṣak:
--Those who give sandalwood and aloe wood on this day, will go to the world of devas (gods).
25) Pūrvaproṣṭhapada:
--He who gives coins on this day will reach the world of bliss.
26) Uttaraproṣṭhapada:
--Those who give mutton on this day will be pleasing the manes.
27) Revatī:
--He who gives cows which could give potfuls of milk, could reach any world. [M.B. Anuśāsana Parva, Chapter 64] .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
नक्षत्र—योग  m. m. conjunction of (moon with the) s ib.
नक्षत्र योग

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