नागरक [nāgaraka] नागरिक [nāgarika] नागरिक a. [नगरे भवः वुञ्]
Town-bred, town-born.
Polite, courteous, courtly; नागरिकवृत्त्या संज्ञापयैनाम्
[Ś.5;] साधु आर्य नागरिकोऽसि
[V.2.] Clever, shrewd, cunning (विदग्ध).
कः A citizen.
A polite or courteous man, a gallant, one who shows exaggerated attention to his first mistress while he is courting some one else.
One who has contracted the vices of a town.
A thief.
An artist.
The chief of the police;
[V.5;] [Ś.6.] A city-superintendent; cf. नागरिक- प्रणिधिः Kau.A.
A kind of coitus; ऊरुमूलोपरि स्थित्वा योषिदूरुद्वयं रमेत् । ग्रीवां धृत्वा कराभ्यां च बन्धो नागरको मतः ॥ Ratimañjarī.
(pl.) planets opposite to each other.
कम् Dry ginger. (-रिकम्) The toll levied from a town. -Comp.
-वृत्तिः a courtly manner or style; नागरिकवृत्त्या संज्ञापयैनाम्
[Ś.5.1] /2.