नाभि f. f. (prob. fr. √ 1.नभ्, ‘to burst asunder or into a hole’; ifc. f.इ or ई, [Vām. v, 49] ) the navel (also n° -string cf. -कृन्तन), a navel-like cavity, [RV.] &c. &c. (in later language also m. and f(°भी). ) f. the nave of a wheel, ib. (also m., [L., and] °भी f.) centre, central point, p° of junction or of departure, home, origin, esp. common o° , affinity, relationship m. a near relation or friend, ib. (m., [L.] ) मृग-न्° musk: (= ), [L.] नाभि f. m. or f. musk-deer, Megh. 53 ?; [BhP.] नाभि m. m. a chief (= central point) of (gen. ), [Ragh. xviii, 19] (cf. मण्डल-नाभि-ता) मुख्य-राज् a sovereign or lord paramount (= ), [L.] a क्षत्रिय, [L.] N. of a grandson of प्रिय-व्रत (son of अग्नीध्र and father of ऋषभ), [Pur.] of the father of ऋषभ (first अर्हत् of the present अवसर्पिणी), [L.] नाभि [cf. Angl.Sax. nafu, nafela; Germ. naba, Nabe, nabolo, Nabel; Eng. nave, navel.]