Dictionaries | References न निविद् { nivid } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 निविद् A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | नि a.-√ 1.विद् (aor.-अवेदिषुर्, [BhP.] ; inf.-वेदितुम्, with v.l.°दयितुम्, [Śāk.] ), to tell, communicate, proclaim, report, relate: Caus.-वेदयति, °ते (pf.-वेदयाम् आसind.p.°दयित्वा, or °द्य) id. (with dat.gen. or loc.), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to offer, present, give, deliver, [Br.] ; [GṛS.] &c.; (with आत्मानम्), to offer or present one's self (as a slave &c.), [ŚBr.] ; [Mn.] &c.; to proclaim i.e. introduce one's self, [R.] ; [Śak.] ; [Kathās.] ; (with दोषम्) to throw the blame upon (dat.), [Pañc.] (B.), iii, 163.नि-°विद् f. bf. instruction, information, [RV.] (cf.[Naigh. i, 11] ) ROOTS:नि °विद् N. of partic. sentences or short formularies inserted in a liturgy and containing epithets or short invocations of the gods, [AV.] ; [VS.] ; [Br.] ; [ŚrS.] &c. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 निविद् The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | निविद् [nivid] 2 P. (generally in the Caus.) To tell, communicate, inform (with dat.); उपस्थितां होमवेलां गुरवे निवेदयामि [Ś.4;] काश्यपाय वनस्पतिसेवां निवेदयावः ibid; [R.2.68.] To declare or announce oneself; कथमात्मानं निवेद- यामि [Ś.1.] To indicate, betray, show; शङ्कापरिग्रहनि- वेदयिता [Mu.1;] दिगम्बरत्वेन निवेदितं वसु [Ku.5.72;] [R.17.4.] To offer, present, give, make an offer of; स्वराज्यं चन्द्रापीडाय न्यवेदयत् [K.367;] राज्यमस्मै न्यवेदयत् [R.15.7;] 11.47; [Ms.2.51;] [Y.1.27.] To entrust to the care of, make or deliver over to.निविद् [nivid] f. f. Ved. Speech, a short Vedic text; स हेतयैव निविदा प्रतिपेदे यावन्तो वैश्वदेवस्य निविद्युच्यन्ते [Bri. Up.3.9.1.] Instruction, precept, direction. Invocation. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 निविद् संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit Sanskrit | | See : प्रार्थ् Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP