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   { nīviḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
नी—वि   a See नी-वि॑.
नी वि
नीवि  f. bf. or नीवी (prob.fr.नि+-√ व्ये) a piece of cloth wrapped round the waist (esp. as worn by women; but cf.[Vām. i, 3, 5] ), a kind of skirt or petticoat, [VS.] ; [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [MBh.] &c.
   a band or cord for tying together folded कुश-grass in making offerings at the funeral rites of a शूद्र, [L.]
   a hostage, [L.]
   capital, principal stock, [Daś.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
नीविः [nīviḥ] वी [vī]   वी f. [निव्ययति निवीयते वा निव्ये-इन्; cf. [Uṇ.4,] 135]
   A cloth worn round a woman's waist, or more properly the ends of the cloth tied into a knot in front, the knot of the wearing garment; प्रस्थानभिन्नां न बबन्ध नीविम् [R.7.9;] नीविबन्धोच्छ्वसनम् [Mā.l.2.5;] [Ku.1.38;] नीविं प्रति प्रणिहिते तु करे प्रियेण [K. P.4;] [Me.7;] [Śi.1.64.]
   The outer tie of a packet in which the offerings of a Sūdra at funeral obsequies are presented.
   Capital, principal, stock; नीवीमवलिखतः द्विगुणः (दण्डः) [Kau. A 2.7;] शेषमायव्ययौ नीवी च [Kau A.2.6.]
   A stake, wager.
   Prison; नीवी स्याद्बन्धनागारे धने स्त्रीवस्त्रबन्धने [Nm.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
नीवि(वी)  f.  (-विः-वी)
नीवि(वी)   1. Capital, principal, stock.
नीवि(वी)   2. Stake, wager.
नीवि(वी)   3. A cloth round a woman's waist, or the ends of the cloth passed round the loins so as to hold the whole together; on being lossed the lower members are exposed: the tie of drawers worn by women, &c.
नीवि(वी)   4. The outer tie of a packet, in which the offer- ings of a Sudra at funeral obsequies are presented.
नीवि(वी)   E. नि before, व्येञ् to cover, Unādi aff. इन् and ङीप् optionally added; the of नि is made long, and the radical finals rejected.
नि व्येञ् इन् ङीप् नि

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