परिकर्मन् [parikarman] m. m. A servant. -n.
Painting or perfuming the body, personal decoration, dressing, toilet; कृताचारपरिकर्माणम्
[Ś.2.] Painting or dyeing the foot; असमाप्ते परिकर्मणि स्मृतः
[Ku.4.19.] Preparation.
Worship, adoration; अविक्लमस्ते परिकर्मणि स्थितः
[Bhāg. 2.9.29.] (In Yoga phil.) Purifying, a means of purifying the mind; मैञ्यादिचित्तपरिकर्मविदो विधाय क्लेशप्रहाण- मिह लब्धसबीजयोगाः
[Śi.4.55.] (see Malli. thereon).
An arithmetical operation (of which there are 8 divisions). -Comp.
-अष्टकम् the eight fundamental rules of arithmetic viz. (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, finding the square, extracting the square root, finding the cube, extracting the cube root).