पर्ण n. n. a pinion, feather (also of an arrow), wing, [RV.] &c., [Br.] ; [MBh.] f. a leaf (regarded as the plumage of a tree), [RV.] &c. &c. (ifc. f(आ). , but in N. of plants f(ई). ; cf. [Pāṇ. 4-1, 64] ) the Pān or betel leaf, [L.] पर्ण n. m.Butea Frondosa (a large-leaved sacred tree whose wood is used for making sacred vessels, later generally called पलाश), [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [Br.] ; [Yājñ.] (-त्व॑n., [MaitrS.] ) पर्ण m. m.N. of a teacher, [VāyuP.] (cf. g. शिवा-दि) (pl. ) of a people, [VP.] of a place, iv, 2, 145 पर्ण [According to, [Uṇ. iv, 6 fr.] √ पॄ. but more probably fr. a √ पृ, orig. स्पृ; cf. Lith. sparna; HGerm. varn, Farn; Angl.Sax. fearn; Eng. fern.]