Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   . Ex. हा तुला बोलूं पाहतो; हा जाऊं-येऊं-बसूं-उठूं-जेवूं- मारूं-करूं पाहतो He seeks, looks, or stands ready to speak-go-come &c. 10 पाहणें is much used with verbs of Trying or experimenting, examining or inspecting, investigating or inquiring, tasting, weighing, comparing &c., as subsidiary or supplementary to the sense. Ex. कसून पाहणें, अजमा- वून पाहणें, तपासून-पडताळून-चाखून-खाऊन-जोखून तोलून-वळखून-पाहणें. पाहतअर्थीं or पाहताअर्थीं, पाहिलें असतां, पाहिल्या- अर्थीं If we consider; upon consideration or reflection. Ex. त्यास शिक्षा देणें पाहिलें असतां कांहीं कारण नाहीं. पाहून घेणें To call to account.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
 v ti   To look. To see. To regard. To examine. To inspect. To search. To desire. Ex.
हा तुला बोलूं पाहतो. पाहतअर्थी, पाहताअर्थी, पाहिले असतां, पाहिल्याअर्थी   If we consider; upon consideration.
पाहून घेणें   To call to account.

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