प्र-°ग्रह f. m. (
ifc. f(आ). ) holding in front, stretching forth,
[MBh.] °हं गतः seizing, clutching, taking hold of (, seized, taken),
[Hariv.] शत्रोर् उत्तानपा-तनार्थम् पादाकर्षणम् a
partic. manner of fighting,
[MBh.] (= , or =
[Nīlak.] )
शत्रोर् उत्तानपा तनार्थम् पादाकर्षणम्
ग्रह the seizure of the sun or moon, beginning of an eclipse (
cf. ),
[Sūryas.] friendly reception, kindness, favour,
[MBh.] ;
[Hariv.] °हंगतः obstinacy, stubbornness (, obstinate, stubborn),
[MBh.] a rein, bridle,
[KaṭhUp.] ;
[MBh.] &c.
a ray of light (like all words meaning ‘rein’ or ‘bridle’),
[L.] a rope, halter, cord, string, thong,
[MBh.] the cord or string suspending a balance,
[L.] a guide, leader, ruler (also as
N. of
[MBh.] a companion, satellite,
[L.] taming, breaking (a horse),
[L.] the arm,
[L.] a species of plant,
[Car.] (
Cassis Fistula,
[L.] )
-त्व n. a vowel not subject to the rules of
[TPrāt.] (
n.Sch. ;
cf. 1.प्र-गृह्य)
-होम N. of a
partic. sacrificial rite (also ,
KātyŚr. Sch. )
प्र-°ग्रह f. mf(आ)n. receiving, kind, hospitable (with
सभाf. a hall of reception, an audience hall),
[R.] (
B. )
प्र-°ग्रह mfn. mf(आ)n. =
ऊर्ध्वबाहु (?),
[R.] Sch. (
cf. प्र॑ञ्जलि-प्रग्र्°)