उपस्थानम् [upasthānam] 1 Presence, proximity, nearness.
Approaching, coming, appearance, coming into the presence of; युगपदाचार्ययोरुपस्थानम् [M.1.]
(a) Worshipping, waiting upon (with prayers); attendance, service; सूर्योपस्थानात्प्रतिनिवृत्तं पुरूरवसं मामुपेत्य [V.1;] सूर्यस्योपस्थानं कुर्वः [V.4;] [Y.1.22,3.282.] (b) Obeisance; greeting; ˚स्तोत्रपद्धतिम् U.1 a form of congratulatory panegyric. (c) Accepting, agreeing (as a lover &c.); सोऽयं मामनु- पस्थाने व्यक्तं नैराश्यमागतः [Rām.6.92.47.]
Attending to, guarding; रावणहित˚ [Mv.5.]
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