Dictionaries | References


   { prēkṣā }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रेक्षा  f. f. seeing, viewing, beholding, regarding, looking on (at a performance), [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [BhP.] (often ifc.cf.धर्म-प्रे-क्ष, मुख-प्र्°)
   a sight or view (esp. a beautiful or ), [BhP.]
   a public show or entertainment, [Mn.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Kathās.]
   (ifc.) the being understood or meant as, [Nir. i, 17]
   circumspection, consideration, reflection, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Rājat.]
   the branch of a tree, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रेक्षा [prēkṣā]   1 Viewing, seeing, beholding.
   A look, view, sight, appearance.
   Being a looker-on.
   Any public spectacle or show, sight.
   Particularly, a theatrical show, dramatic performance, play.
   Intellect, understanding.
   Reflection, consideration, deliberation; सा तस्मै सर्वमाचष्ट ...... प्रत्युक्तं च यवक्रीतं प्रेक्षापूर्वं तथात्मना [Mb.3.136.7.]
   The branch of a tree.
   Splendour; प्रेक्षां क्षिपन्तं हरितोपलाद्रेः [Bhāg. 3.8.24.]
   Comp. अ(आ)गारः, रम्, गृहम्, स्थानम् a theatre, or play-house.
   a council-chamber.
-कारिन् a.  a. wise, prudent, circumspect; प्रेक्षाकारी याति पदं मुक्तमपायैः [Ki.18.] 28.
-पूर्वम्   ind. with deliberation.
-प्रपञ्चः, -विधिः   a stage-play.
-समाजः   an audience, a crowd of spectators, assembly.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
प्रेक्षा  f.  (-क्षा)
   1. Intellect, understanding.
   2. Dancing.
   3. Seeing, view- ing, observing.
   4. Seeing a play or entertainment of dancing, &c. 5. The branch of a tree.
   6. Deliberation, reflection.
   E. प्र before, ईक्ष् to see, affs. अङ् and टाप् .
प्र ईक्ष् अङ् टाप् .

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