फ The twenty-second consonant of the Nāgari Alphabet, the aspirate of the preceding letter, and expressed by Ph.
फ m. (
1. Increasing, swelling, enlarging, expanding.
2. Perform- ance of a mystical rite, by which KUVERA'S attendants are pro- pitiated.
3. A high wind, a gale.
4. Wind expelled in yawning.
5. Fruitfulness, fertility.
6. An augmentor or increaser.
nf. (
फं-फा) Unprofitable or idle speech.
n. (
1. Angry speech.
2. Bursting with some little noise, as air bubbles, boiling water, &c.; bubbling, boiling.
f. (
-फा) Distress, anxiety.
E. फल् to bear fruit, or
स्फाय् to swell, aff.
ड; in the latter case, the initial is rejected.