फल् cl. 1. P. ([Dhātup. xv, 9] ) फलति (ep. also Ā. °ते; pf. पफाल, [MBh., 3.] pl. फेलुः, [Bhaṭṭ.] ; cf. [Pāṇ. 6-4, 122] ; aor. अफालीत्Gr. ; fut. फलिष्यति, [MBh.] ; फलिताGr. ), to burst, cleave open or asunder, split (intrans.), [MBh.] ; [R.] &c.; to rebound, be reflected, [Kir.] ; [BhP.] ; ( [Dhātup. xv, 23] ; but rather Nom. fr. फल below) to bear or produce fruit, ripen ( lit. and fig. ), be fruitful, have results or consequences, be fulfilled, result, succeed, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to fall to the share of ( loc. ), [Hit.] ; to obtain (fruit or reward), [MBh.] ; to bring to maturity, fulfil, yield, grant, bestow (with acc. , rarely instr. ), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to give out, emit (heat), [Kir.] ; ( [Dhātup. xx, 9] ) to go ( cf. √ पल्) : Caus. फालयतिaor. अपीफलत्Gr. ( cf. फालित) : Desid. पिफलिषतिGr. : Intens. पम्फुल्यते, पम्फुलीति, पम्फुल्ति, ib.फल् [cf. √ स्फट्, स्फुट्; Germ. spalten; Eng. split.]