बुद्ध aबुद्धि See cols. 2 and 3. बुद्ध mfn. bmfn. awakened, awake, [MBh.] expanded, blown, [SāmavBr.] मूढ conscious, intelligent, clever, wise (opp. to ), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. learnt, known, understood, [Āpast.] ; [MBh.] (‘by’, usually instr. , but also gen. according to, [Pāṇ. 2-2, 12; 3, 67] Sch. ) बुद्ध m. m. a wise or learned man, sage, [W.] (with Buddhists) a fully enlightened man who has achieved perfect knowledge of the truth and thereby is liberated from all existence and before his own attainment of निर्वाण reveals the method of obtaining it, (esp. ) the principal बुद्ध of the present age (born at कपिल-वस्तु about the year 500 B.C. his father, शुद्धोदन, of the शाक्य tribe or family, being the राज of that district, and his mother, माया-देवी, being the daughter of राजसु-प्रबुद्ध, [MWB. 19 &c.] ; hence he belonged to the क्षत्रिय caste and his original name शाक्य-मुनि or शाक्य-सिंह was really his family name, while that of गौतम was taken from the race to which his family belonged; for his other names See, ib. 23; he is said to have died when he was 80 years of age, prob. about 420 B.C. ib. 49 n. 1; he was preceded by 3 mythical बुद्धs of the present कल्प, or by 24, reckoning previous कल्प, or according to others by 6 principal बुद्धs, ib. 136; sometimes he is regarded as the 9th incarnation of विष्णु, [Hariv.] ; [Kāv.] ; [Var.] &c.) बुद्ध n. n. knowledge, [BhP.] (B. बुद्धि).