Dictionaries | References भ भेरुण्ड { bhēruṇḍa } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words भेरुण्ड A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 भेरुण्ड mfn. mf(आ)n. (often v.l.भेरण्ड) terrible, formidable, awful, [MBh.] भेरुण्ड m. m. a species of bird, [MBh.] ; [Hcar.] °डक (also ) a beast of prey (wolf, jackal, fox, or hyena), [Lalit.] (cf.फेरु)a partic. form of शिव (?), [W.] भेरुण्ड n. n. (√ भृ?) pregnancy, [L.] भेरुण्ड The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 भेरुण्ड [bhēruṇḍa] a. a. Terrible, frightful, awful, fearful.-ण़्डः A species of bird.-ण्डम् Conception, pregnancy.-ण्डा f. f. N. N. of a Yakṣiṇī. N. N. of a goddess; महाविश्वेश्वरी श्वेता भेरुण्डा कुलसुन्दरी [Kālī. P.] भेरुण्ड Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 भेरुण्ड mfn. (-ण्डः-ण्डा-ण्डं) Formidable, fearful. f. (-ण्डा) One of the Yak- shinis, or female attendants on DURGĀ. m. (-ण्डः) A particular deity; a form of ŚIVA, according to the Tantras. n. (-ण्डं) Con- ception, impregnation.E. भी to fear, deriv. irr.; it is sometimes read भरण्ड . ROOTS:भी भरण्ड . Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP