सु—च्छाया f. f.
N. of the wife of श्लीष्टि, [Hariv.]
सुच्छाया n. अग्नि की एक कन्या, जो ध्रुवपुत्र शिष्ट राजा की पत्नी थी । इसके कृप, रिपुंजय, वृक आदि पुत्र थे ।
noun श्लिषची पत्नी
Ex. सुच्छाया ही ध्रुवची सून होती.
SUCCHĀYĀ The wife of Śiṣṭi, the son of Dhruva. Two sons named Śiṣṭi and Bhavya were born to Dhruva by his wife Śambhū. Succhāyā, the wife of Śiṣṭi gave birth to five sons who were sinless. They were Ripu, Ripuñjaya, Vipra, Vṛkala and Vṛkatejas. [Viṣṇu Purāṇa, Aṁśa 1, Chapter 13] .
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