Dictionaries | References


   { maṇḍala }
Script: Devanagari


बर'/बड़ो (Bodo) WN | Bodo  Bodo |   | 
   See : मन्दल


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : मंडल, दल, कटिबंध, मंडल, परिधि


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
 noun  भूगोलमा गर्मी-सर्दीका विचारले गरिएको पृथ्वीको पाँच भागमध्ये कुनै एउटा भाग   Ex. उत्तर मेरु शीत मण्डलमा पर्दछ
भाग (Part of)संज्ञा (Noun)
kasخِطٕ , عَلاقٕہ
oriହିମ ମଣ୍ଡଳ
telభూ మండలము
urdدائرہ , حلقہ , خط
 noun  सूर्य वा चन्द्रमाका चारैतिर देखिने घेरा वा परिवेश   Ex. सूर्यमण्डलमा धेरै ग्रह परिक्रमा गर्छन्
बोध (Perception)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
kasمدار , نِظام
urdنظام , منڈل
   See : परिधि


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मण्डल  mfn. mf()n. circular, round, [VarBṛS.]
मण्डल  f. n. (rarely m.g.अर्धर्चा-दि, and f. () g.गन्रा-दि) a disk (esp. of the sun or moon)
मण्डल  n. n. anything round (but in [Hcat.] also applied to anything triangular; cf.मण्डलक)
   a circle (instr. ‘in a circle’; also ‘the charmed of a conjuror’), globe, orb, ring, circumference, ball, wheel, [ŚBr.] &c. &c.
   the path or orbit of a heavenly body, [Sūryas.]
   a halo round the sun or moon, [VarBṛS.]
   a ball for playing, [MBh.]
   a circular bandage (in surgery), [Suśr.]
मण्डल  n. n. (also n.pl.) a sort of cutaneous eruption or leprosy with circular spot, ib.
मण्डल  n. n. a round mole or mark (caused by a finger-nail &c.) on the body, [Lāṭy.] ; KātyŚr. Sch.
   a circular array of troops, [MBh.] ; [Kām.]
   a partic. attitude in shooting, [L.]
   a district, arrondissement, territory, province, country (often at the end of modern names e.g. Coro-mandal coast), [Inscr.] ; [AV.Pariś.] ; [MBh.] &c.
   a surrounding district or neighbouring state, the circle of a king's near and distant neighbours (with whom he must maintain political and diplomatic relations; 4 or 6 or 10 or even 12 such neighbouring princes are enumerated), [Mn.] (esp. vii, 154 &c.); [Yājñ.] ; [MBh.] &c.
   a multitude, group, band, collection, whole body, society, company, [Yājñ.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
   a division or book of the ऋग्-वेद (of which there are 10, according to the authorship of the hymns; these are divided into 85 अनुवाकs or lessons, and these again into 1017, or with the 11 additional hymns into 1028 सूक्तs or hymns; the other more mechanical division, is into अष्टकs, अध्यायs and वर्गs q.v.), [RPrāt.] ; [Bṛh.] &c.
मण्डल  m. m. a dog, [L.]
   a kind of snake, [L.]
मण्डल  n. n.Unguis Odoratus, [L.]
   a partic. oblation or sacrifice, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मण्डल [maṇḍala] a.  a. [मण्ड्-कलच्] Round, circular; मण्डलाग्रा बृसीश्चैव गृहान्याः पृष्ठतो ययुः [Rām.5.18.12.]
   लः circular array of troops.
   A dog.
   A kind of snake.
   लम् A circular orb, globe, wheel, ring, circumference, anything round or circular; न्यग्रोधं च सुमण्डलम् [Mb.12.169.] 12; करालफणमण्डलम् [R.12.98;] आदर्शमण्डलनिभानि समुल्लसन्ति [Ki. 5.41;] स्फुरत्प्रभामण्डलया चकाशे [Ku.1.24;] so रेणुमण्डल, छाया- मण्डल, चापमण्डल, मुखमण्डल, स्तनमण्डल &c.
   The charmed circle (drawn by a conjurer); मण्डले पन्नगो रुद्धो मन्त्रैरिव महाविषः [Rām.2.12.5;] जानन्ति तन्त्रयुक्तिं यथास्थितं मण्डलमभि- लिखन्ति [Mu.2.1.]
   A disc, especially of the sun or moon; तेनातपत्रामलमण्डलेन [R.16.27;] अपर्वणि ग्रहकलुषेन्दुमण्डला (विभावरी) [M.4.15;] दिनमणिमण्डलमण्डन भवखण्डन ए [Gīt.1.]
   The halo round the sun or moon.
   The path or orbit of a heavenly body.
   A multitude, group, collection, assemblage, troop, company; एवं मिलितेन कुमारमण्डलेन Dk.; अखिलं चारिमण्डलम् [R.4.4.]
   Society, association.
   A great circle.
   The visible horizon.
   A district or province.
   A surrounding district or territory.
   (In politics) The circle of a king's near and distant neighbours; मण्डलचरितम् [Kau.A. 1.1.1;] सततसुकृती भूयाद् भूपः प्रसादितमण्डलः [Ve.6.44;] उपगतोऽपि च मण्डलनाभिताम् &c. [R.9.15.] (According to Kāmandaka quoted by Malli. the circle of a king's near and distant neighbours consists of twelve kings: विजिगीषु or the central monarch, the five kings whose dominions are in the front, and the four kings whose dominions are in the rear of his kingdom, the मध्यम or intermediate, and उदासीन or indifferent king. The kings in the front as well as in the rear are designated by particular names; see Malli. ad loc; cf. also [Śi. 2.81.] and Malli. thereon. According to some the number of such kings is four, six, eight, twelve or even more; see Mit. on [Y.1.345.] According to others, the circle consists of three kings only: the प्राकृतारि or natural enemy, (the sovereign of an adjacent country), the प्राकृतमित्र natural ally, (the sovereign whose dominions are separated by those of another from the country of the central monarch with whom he is allied), and प्राकृतोदासीन or the natural neutral, (the sovereign whose dominions lie beyond those of the natural ally).
   A particular position of the feet in shooting.
   A kind of mystical diagram used in invoking a divinity.
   A division of the Ṛigveda (the whole collection being divided into 1 Maṇḍalas or eight Aṣṭakas).
   A kind of leprosy with round spots.
   A kind of perfume.
   A circular bandage (in surgery).
   A sugar-ball, sweetmeat.
   Sexual dalliance; नानाविचित्र- कृतमण्डलमावहन्तीम् Bil. Ch. (उत्तरपीठिका) 38.
   A circular gait; हय इव मण्डलमाशु यः करोति [Rām.6.33.35;] [Mb.3.] 19.8.
   A play-board (द्यूते शारीस्थापनपट्टम्); [Mb.8.74.] 15.
   ली A circle, orb &c.
   A group, assemblage; तन्मोचनाय तेनाशु प्रेरिता शिष्यमण्डली [Bm.1.648.]
   Walking round, circular motion.
   Bent grass (दूर्वा).-Comp.
-अग्र a.  a. round-pointed. (-ग्रः) a bent or crooked sword, scimitar. (-ग्रम्) a surgeon's circular knife.
   अधिपः, अधीशः, ईशः, ईश्वरः the ruler or governor of a district or province.
   a king, sovereign.-आवृत्तिः f. circular movement; भ्रमिषु कृतपुटान्तर्मण्डला- वृत्तिचक्षुः [U.3.19.]
-आसन a.  a. sitting in a circle.
-उत्तमम्   a principal kingdom or district.
-कविः   a bad poet.-कार्मुक a. having a circular bow.
-नाभिः   the centre of a circle.
-नृत्यम्   a circular dance, dance in a ring.-न्यासः describing a circle.
-पुच्छकः   a kind of insect.-बन्धः the formation of a circle or roundness.
-भागः   an arc.
-माडः   a pavilion.
-वटः   the fig-tree forming a circle.
-वर्तनम्   drawing figures with some powder (Mar. रांगोळी घालणें); संमार्जनोपलेपाभ्यां गृहमण्डलवर्तनैः [Bhāg. 7.11.26.]
-वर्तिन्  m. m. a ruler of a small province; स तुल्यातिशयध्वंसं यथा मण्डलवर्तिनाम् [Bhāg.11.3.2.]
-वर्षः   rain over the whole of a king's territory, general rain-fall.-वाटः a garden.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मण्डल  mfn.  (-लः-ली-लं) The disk of the sun or moon.
  n.  (-लं)
   1. The sun's disk.
   2. An orb, a circumference in general, or the circle bounding the view, the visible horizon.
   3. (In astronomy,) A great circle, as नाडीमण्डलं the equator, क्रान्तिमण्डलं the ecliptic.
   4. A ball, a globe.
   5. A wheel.
   6. A province, a region, a district, extending twenty, or according to some authorities, forty Yojanas in every way.
   7. The country or empire, over which the twelve princes termed Chakravartis are supposed to have ruled; perhaps the peninsula of India, where the term Mandala or Mandel is of constant occurrence, to signify a province or district, as in Coro [Page543-b+ 60] mandel, &c.
   8. Surrounding or contiguous countries.
   9. A sort of leprosy with circular spots.
   10. A heap, a quantity, a multitude or assemblage.
   11. An attitude in shooting, the fifth position, in which both knees are bent.
   12. The impression or scratch of a finger-nail.
   13. A sort of perfume, resembling in appearance a dried shell-fish.
   14. A sort of mystical diagram, used in summon- ing a divinity.
   15. A sweet-meat a sugar-ball.
   16. A form of array, an army drawn up in a circle.
   17. A division of the Rig- veda.
  m.  (-लः)
   1. A kind of snake.
   2. A dog.
  f.  (-ली) Bent grass.
   E. मडि to adorn, aff. कलच् .
मडि कलच् .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : परिधि

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