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Script: Latin


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मद्   1 base of the first pers.pron. in the sg. number (esp. in comp.)
मद्   2a (cf.मन्द्) cl. 4. P. ([Dhātup. xxvi, 99] ) मा॑द्यति (ep. also °ते; Ved. also cl. 1. Ā.P.मदति, °ते; cl. 3. P.मम॑त्ति, °त्तु, मम॑दत्, अ॑ममदुः; Ved.Impv.म॑त्सि, °स्व; pf.ममा॑द; aor.अमादिषुः, अमत्सुः, अमत्त; Subj.म॑त्सति, °सत्; fut.मदिता, मदिष्यतिGr.; Ved.inf.मदितोस्),
to rejoice, be glad, exult, delight or revel in (instr.gen.loc., rarely acc.), be drunk (also fig.) with (instr.), [RV.] &c. &c.;
to enjoy heavenly bliss (said of gods and deceased ancestors), [RV.] ; [TBr.] ;
to boil, bubble (as water), [RV.] ; [TS.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [Hariv.] ;
to gladden, exhilarate, intoxicate, animate, inspire, [RV.] :
Caus.माद॑यति, °ते ([Dhātup. xxxiii, 31, xix, 54] ; aor.अ॑मीमदत् or अममदत्; Ved.inf.मादय॑ध्यै),
to gladden, delight, satisfy, exhilarate, intoxicate, inflame, inspire, [RV.] &c. &c.;
(Ā.) to be glad, rejoice, be pleased or happy or at ease, [RV.] ; [VS.] ; [Kauś.] ;
(Ā.) to enjoy heavenly bliss, [RV.] ; [TBr.] ; [BhP.] :
Intens.मामद्यते, मामत्ति, ib.
मद्   [Perhaps orig. ‘to be moist’; cf.Gk.μαδάω; Lat.madere.]
मद्   2b or मन्द् to tarry, stand still, pause, [RV.] (cf.उप-नि-√ मन्द् and नि-√ मद्) :
Caus. See मन्दय.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मद् [mad]   A form of the first personal pronoun in the singular number used chiefly at the beginning of comps.; as मदर्थे 'for me', 'for my sake'; मच्चित्त 'thinking of me'; मद्वचनम्, मत्संदेशः, मत्प्रियम् &c. &c.; मन्मना भव मद्भक्तो मद्याजी मां नमस्कुरु [Bg.18.65.]
मद् [mad]   I. 4 P. (माद्यति, मत्त)
   To be drunk or intoxicated; वीक्ष्य मद्यमितरा तु ममाद [Śi.1.27.]
   To be mad.
   To revel or delight in.
   To be glad or rejoiced.
   Ved. To satisfy, delight, gladden.
   To enjoy supreme felicity. -Caus. (मादयति)
   To intoxicate; inebriate, madden.
   (मदयति) To exhilarate, gladden, delight; मायूरी मदयति मार्जना मनांसि [M.1.21;] प्रकृतिमधुराः सन्त्येवान्ये मनो मदयन्ति ये [Māl.1.36;] [Śi.13.38;] [Ki.5.26.]
   To inflame with passion; मदयति हृदयम् [Māl.3.6.]
   (Ātm.) To be glad, rejoice, be pleased. -II. 1 Ā. (मादयते) To please, gratify. -III. 1 P. (मदति)
   To be proud.
   To be poor.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मद्   r. 10th cl. (मादयते) (इ, इर्) मदि
   r. 1st cl. (मन्दते) and (ई, इर्) मदी r. 4th cl. (माद्यति)
   1. To be glad, to be satisfied or content, to rejoice.
   2. To be proud. (इ) मदि
   r. 1st cl. (मन्दते)
   1. To praise.
   2. To sleep, to doze, to be lazy or sluggish.
   3. To be stupid, to be an idiot or fool.
   4. To be elegant.
   5. To go or approach. मद r. 10th cl. (मादयते) To cause or justify satisfaction or contentment. मदी
   r. 1st cl. causal form. (मादयति)
   1. To delight, to make glad, to exhilarate.
   2. To madden or intoxicate, literally or figuratively. 3. To be poor or distressed.
   4. To be proud.
   With नि prefixed, (निमादयति) To articulate.
मद्   A form of the first personal pronoun in the singular number used at the beginning of compounds, as in मत्सादृश्य “my likeness.” &c.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 verb  मादकद्रव्यसेवनपरिणत्यनुकूलः व्यापारः।   Ex. सुरापानेन माद्यति।
परिवर्तनसूचक (Change)होना क्रिया (Verb of Occur)क्रिया (Verb)
उन्मद् प्रमद् मन्द् सम्मद् सम्मन्द्
asmনিচা লগা
bdनिसा ला
benনেশা হওয়া
hinनशा चढ़ना
kasنَشہٕ کھَسُن
kokनशा चडप
malലഹരി കയറുക
oriନିଶା ଚଢ଼ିବା
panਨਸ਼ਾ ਚੜਣਾ
urdنشہ چڑھنا , نشہ آنا , خمار آنا , خمار چھانا
   See : प्रमुद्

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