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   { maraṇam }
Script: Devanagari


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मरणम् [maraṇam]   [मृ-भावे ल्युट्]
   Dying, death; मरणं प्रकृतिः शरीरिणाम् [R.8.87;] or संभावितस्य चाकीर्तिर्मरणादतिरिच्यते [Bg. 2.34.]
   A kind of poison.
   Passing away, cessation (as of rain).
   (In astrol.) The 8th mansion.
   A refuge, asylum. -Comp.
-अन्त, -अन्तक a.  a. ending in death.
-अभिमुख, -उन्मुख a.  a. on the point of death, near death, moribund.
-आत्मक a.  a. causing death, fatal.
-दशा   the time or hour of death.
-धर्मः   the law of death.
-धर्मन् a.  a. mortal.
-निश्चय a.  a. determined to die; [Pt.1.]
-मण्डनम्   Wearing dress and ornamants as a Satī usually wears; अथ मदम्बा मरणमण्डनमनुष्ठाय [Dk. 2.1,4.]
-शील a.  a. mortal.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : मृत्युः

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