Dictionaries | References


   { muñjḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मुञ्ज  m. m. ‘sounding, rustling (?)’, a species of rush or sedge-like grass, Saccharum Sara or Munja (which grows to the height of 10 feet, and is used in basketwork), [ŚBr.] &c. &c.
मौञ्ज   the Brāhmanical girdle formed of Munja (cf., [Mn. ii, 27, 42 &c.] ) an arrow (?), [W.]
   N. of a king of धारा, [Daśar.]
   of a prince of चम्पा, [Piṅg.] Sch.
   of a man with the patr.साम-श्रवस, [ṢaḍvBr.]
   of a Brāhman, [MBh.]
   of various authors &c., [Cat.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मुञ्जः [muñjḥ]   1 A sort of rush or grass (of which the girdle of a Brāhmaṇa should be made); [Ms.2.43;] मुञ्जाटव्यां भ्रष्टमार्गं क्रन्दमानं स्वगोधनम् [Bhāg.1.19.5;] मुञ्जद्वयं तु मधुरं तुवरं शिशिरं तथा । दाहतृष्णाविसर्पास्रमूत्रवस्त्यक्षि- रोगजित् । दोषत्रयहरं वृष्यं मेखलासूपयुज्यते ॥ [Bhāva. P.]
   The sacred cord or girdle itself.
  N. N. of a king of Dhārā (said to be the uncle of the celebrated Bhoja).
   Comp. केशः an epithet of Śiva.
   of Viṣṇu.-केशिन् m. an epithet of Viṣṇu.
-बन्धनम्   investiture with the sacred thread (or girdle).
-मेखलिन्  m. m.
  N. N. of Śiva.
   of Viṣṇu.
-वासस्  m. m. an epithet of Śiva.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मुञ्ज  m.  (-ञ्जः)
   1. A sort of grass, from the fibres of which a string is prepared, of which the triple thread worn by the Brāhmana as a girdle should be formed, (Saccharum munja, Rox.)
   2. The Brāh- minical girdle, or in common use, the sacred string or cord.
   3. An arrow.
   E. मुजि to sound, aff. अच् .
मुजि अच् .

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