मुद् 1.cl. 10. P. मोदयति, to mix, mingle, blend, unite, [Dhātup. xxxiii, 66.] मुद् 2.cl. 1. Ā. ([Dhātup. ii, 15] ) मो॑दते (ep. and mc. also P. °ति; pf. मुमो॑द, [RV.] ; मुमुदे, [MBh.] &c.; aor. अमोदिष्टGr. ; Pot. मुदीमहि, [RV.] ; Prec. मोदिषीष्ठास्, [AV.] ; fut. मोदिताGr. ; मोदिष्यते, [MBh.] ; ind.p. -मोदम्, [MBh.] ), to be merry or glad or happy, rejoice, delight in ( instr. or loc. ), [RV.] &c. &c.: Caus. , मोदयति, °ते ( aor. अमुमुदत्), to gladden, give pleasure, exhilarate, [MBh.] ; [Bhaṭṭ.] : Desid. , of Caus. मुमोदयिषति, [ŚBr.] : Desid. मुमोदिषते or मुमुदिषते, [Pāṇ. 1-2, 26] : Intens. मोमुद्यते, मोमुदीति, मोमोत्तिGr. मुद् f. 3.f. joy, delight, gladness, happiness (also pl. ), [RV.] &c. &c. Joy personified (as a daughter of तुष्टि), [BhP.] intoxication, frenzy, [W.] वृद्धि a species of drug (= ), [W.] a woman (?), [L.] pl. N. of a class of अप्सरस्, [VP.]