मृद् 1. (cf. √ म्रद् and मृड्) cl. 9. P. मृद्नाति (cl. 1. Ā. P. म॑र्दति, °ते, [MBh.] ; cf. [Naigh. ii, 14] ; pf. P. ममर्द, 3. pl. ममृदुह्. or ममर्दुःĀ. ममृदे, [MBh.] ; aor. , अमरदीत्Gr. ; fut. , मर्दिष्यति, °ते, ib.; inf. मर्दितुम्, [MBh.] ; °तोस्, [Br.] ; -म्रदे॑, ib.; ind.p. , म्रिदित्वा, [Pāṇ. 1-2, 7] ; मृ॑द्य, [Br.] &c.; -मर्दम्, [Kāv.] ), to press, squeeze, crush, pound, smash, trample down, tread upon, destroy, waste, ravage, kill, slay, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to rub, stroke, wipe ( e.g. the forehead), ib.; to rub into, mingle with ( instr. ), [Suśr.] ; to rub against, touch, pass through (a constellation), [VarBṛS.] ; to overcome, surpass, [Bhaṭṭ.] : Caus. मर्दयति ( mc. also °ते; aor. अमीम्रिदत् or अममर्दत्), to press or squeeze hard, crush, break, trample down, oppress, torment, plague, destroy, kill, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to rub, [Kāv.] ; [Kathās.] ; to cause to be trampled down, KātyŚr. Sch. : Desid. मिमर्दिषति, to desire to crush or pound, [MBh.] Intens. मर्मर्त्ति (only Impv. °त्तु, [RV. ii, 23, 6] ), to crush, grind down, destroy; मरीमर्त्ति and मरिमृद्यतेGr. ([ cf. Gk. ἀ-μαλδ-ύνω and under मृदु.]) मृद् f. 2.f. earth, soil, clay, loam, [VS.] &c., &c. a piece of e° , lump of clay, [Mn. v, 136] a kind of fragrant e° , [L.] aluminous slate, [L.]