Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
म्लेच्छ—जाति  m. m. a man belonging to the म्लेच्छs, a barbarian, savage, mountaineer (as a किरात, शबर or पुलिन्द), [MBh.]
म्लेच्छ जाति


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
म्लेच्छजाति  m.  (-तिः) A Mlechchha or barbarian or a man of an outcast race. The tribes enumerated under this head by MANU, but who are by him said to be properly, degraded Kshetriyas, appear to be chiefly the inhabitants of the countries bordering immediately upon India, both to the north and south: as far as modern re- search and similarity of appellation may be trusted, the tribes of Mlechchhas are as follows: the Pauṇḍrakas, (the people of pro- vinces bordering on Bengal and Bihar, and to the south of the Ganges,) Oḍras, (Urīyās,) Drāviras, (people of the southern part of the Coromandel coast,) Cāmbojas, (Arachosians,) Yavanas, (Greeks or Bactrians,) Śakas, (the people of the Sacha regio or Sakai,) Pāravas, (Paropamisans,) Pahlavas, (the ancient Persians,) Chīnas, (Chinese,) Kirātas, (generally mountaineers, here per- haps especially the inhabitants of the Himālaya or Imaus,) Dera- das, (Daradæ,) and Khasas, (Scuthi or Chasas.)
 n.  (-च्छं) Copper.
E. म्लेच्छ a barbarian, and जाति tribe, class.
म्लेच्छ जाति

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