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   { yad }
Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   but in Maráṭhí it is used only in comp. Ex. यत्कथा Whose story or affair; यत्कृत By whom done; whose doing; यदंश, यच्चित, यन्नाम &c.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
यद्  n. (nom. and acc.sg.n. and base in comp. of 3.), who, which, what, whichever, whatever, that, [RV.] &c. &c. (with correlatives तद्, त्यद्, एतद्, इदम्, अदस्, तद् एतद्, एतद् त्यद्, इदं तद्, तद् इदम्, तादृश, ईदृश, ईदृश्, एतावद्, by which it is oftener followed than preceded; or the correl. is dropped e.g.यस् तु ना-रभते कर्म क्षिप्रम् भवति निर्द्रव्यः, ‘[he] indeed who does not begin work soon becomes poor’ [R.] ; or the rel. is dropped e.g.अन्धकम् भर्तारं न त्यजेत् सा महा-सती, ‘she who does not desert a blind husband is a very faithful wife’ [Vet.] यद् is often repeated to express ‘whoever’, ‘whatever’, ‘whichever’, e.g.यो यः, ‘whatever man’; या या, ‘whatever woman’; यो यज् जयति तस्य तत्, ‘whatever he wins [in war] belongs to him’ [Mn. vii, 96] ; यद् यद् वदति तद् तद् भवति, ‘whatever he says is true’, or the two relatives may be separated by हि, and are followed by the doubled or single correl. तद्e.g.उप्यते यद् धि यद् बीजम् तत् तद् एव प्ररोहति, ‘whatever seed is sown, that even comes forth’ [Mn. ix, 40] ; similar indefinite meanings are expressed by the relative joined with तद्e.g.यस्मै तस्मै, ‘to any one whatever’, esp. in यद्वा तद्वा, ‘anything whatever’; or by यः with कश्च, कश्चन, कश्चित्, or [in later language, not in मनु] कोऽपिe.g.यः कश्चित्, ‘whosoever’; यानि कानि च मित्राणि, ‘any friends whatsoever’; येन केना-प्य् उपा-येन, ‘by any means whatsoever.’ यद् is joined with त्वद् to express generalization e.g.शूद्रांस् त्वद् यांस् त्वद्, ‘either the शूद्रs or anybody else’ [ŚBr.] ; or immediately followed by a pers.pron. on which it lays emphasis e.g.यो ऽहम्, ‘I that very person who’; यस् त्वं कथं वेत्थ, ‘how do you know?’ [ŚBr.] ; it is also used in the sense of ‘si quis’ e.g.स्त्रियं स्पृशेद् यः, ‘should any one touch a woman.’ यद् is also used without the copula e.g.अन्धो जडः पीठ सर्पी सप्तत्या स्थविरश्च यः, ‘a blind man, an idiot, a cripple, and a man seventy years old’ [Mn. viii, 394] ; sometimes there is a change of construction in such cases e.g.ये च मानुषाः for मानुषांश्-च, [Mn. x, 86] ; the nom.sg.n.यद् is then often used without regard to gender or number and may be translated by ‘as regards’, ‘as for’, e.g.क्षत्रं वा एतद् वनस्पतीनां यन् न्यग्-रोधः, ‘as for the न्यग्-रोध, it is certainly the prince among trees’ [AitBr.] ; or by ‘that is to say’, ‘to wit’ e.g.ततो देवा एतं वज्रं ददृशुर् यद् अपः, ‘the gods then saw this thunderbolt, to wit, the water’ [ŚBr.] यद् as an adv. conjunction generally = ‘that’, esp. after verbs of saying, thinking &c., often introducing an oratio directa with or without इति; इति यद्, at the end of a sentence = ‘thinking that’, ‘under the impression that’ e.g.[Ratnâv. ii, 2/8.] यद् also = ‘so that’, ‘in order that’, ‘wherefore’, ‘whence’, ‘as’, ‘in as much as’, ‘since’, ‘because’ [the correlative being तद्, ‘therefore’], ‘when’, ‘if’ [RV.] &c. &c.; अ॑ध य॑द्, ‘even if’, ‘although’ [RV.] यद् अपिid., [Megh.] यद् उ - एवम्, ‘as - so’ [ŚvetUp.] ; यद् उत, ‘that’ [Bālar.] ; ‘that is to say’, ‘scilicet’ [Kāraṇḍ.] ; [Divyâv.] ; यत् किल, ‘that’ [Prasannar.] ; यच् च, ‘if’, ‘that is to say’ [Car.] ; यच् च-यच् च, ‘both - and’ [Divyâv.] ; ‘that’ [accord. to, [Pāṇ. 3-3, 148] after expressions of ‘impossibility’, ‘disbelief’, ‘hope’, ‘disregard’, ‘reproach’ and, ‘wonder’]; यद् वा, ‘or else’, ‘whether’ [Kāv.] ; [Rājat.] ; [यद् वा, ‘or else’, is very often in commentators]; ‘however’ [Bālar.] ; यद् वा - यदि वा, ‘if-or it’ [Bhag.] ; यद् भूयसा, ‘for the most part’ [Divyâv.] ; यत् सत्यम्, ‘certainly’, ‘indeed’, ‘of course’ [Mṛcch.] ; [Ratnâv.] ; यन् नु, with 1st pers., ‘what if I’, ‘let me’ [Divyâv.] )
यद्  m. m. = पुरुष, [Tattvas.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
यद् [yad] pron. a.pron. a.  pron. a. (Nom. sing. m. यः, f. या, n. यत्-द्) The relative pronoun corresponding 'who', 'which' or 'what' in English. (a) Its proper correlative is तद्; यस्य बुद्धिर्बलं तस्य; but sometimes इदम्, अदस्, एतद्, takethe place of तद्; sometimes the relative is used alone, its antecedent being supplied from the context. Not unfrequently two relatives are used in the same sentence; या यस्य युज्यते भूमिका तां खलु भावेन तथैव सर्वे वर्ग्याःपाठिताः [Māl.1;] यदेव रोचते यस्मै भवेत् तत् तस्य सुन्दरम्. (b) When repeated, the relative pronoun has the sense of 'totality, and may be translated by 'whoever', 'whatever', in which case the correlative pronoun is generally repeated; यो यः शस्त्रं बिभर्ति स्वभुजगुरुबलः पाण्डवीनां चमूनां ... क्रोधान्धस्तस्य तस्य स्वयमिह जगतामन्तकस्यान्तकोऽहम् [Ve.3.3;] क्रियते यद् यदेषा कथयति [U.1;] यं यं पश्यसि तस्य तस्य पुरतो मा ब्रूहि दीनं वचः [Bh.2.51.] When joined with the interrogative pronoun or its derivatives with or without the particles चिद्, चन, वा, or अपि, it expresses the sense of 'whatever', 'any whatsoever,', 'any'; सूतो वा सूतपुत्रो वा यो वा को वा भवाम्यहम् [Ve.3.33;] येन केन प्रकारेण anyhow, somehow or other; यत्र कुत्रापि, यो वा को वा, यः कश्चन &c.; यत् किंचिदेतद् 'this is a mere trifle'; यानि कानि च मित्राणि &c. -ind. As an indeclinable यद् is frequently used
   to introduce a direct or subordinate assertion with or without इति at the end; सत्योऽयं जनप्रवादो यत् संपत् संपदमनुबध्नातीति [K.73;] तस्य कदाचिच्चिन्ता समुत्पन्ना यदर्थोत्पत्त्युपायाश्चिन्तनीयाः कर्तव्याश्च [Pt.1.] or
   in the sense of 'because', 'since'; प्रियमा- चरितं लते त्वया मे ... यदियं पुनरप्यपाङ्गनेत्रा परिवृत्तार्धमुखी मयाद्य दृष्टा [V.1.17;] or किं शेषस्य भरव्यथा न वपुषि क्ष्मां न क्षिपत्येष यत् [Mu.2.18;] [R.1.27,87;] in this sense यद् is often followed by तद् or ततः as its correlative; see यत् प्रीति- मद्भिर्वदनैः स्वसाम्यात् ...... ततस्तदीयाधरयावयोगात् ... [N.22.46.] -Comp.
-अपि   ind. although, though; वक्रः पन्था यदपि भवतः [Me.27.]
-अर्थम्, -अर्थे   ind.
   for which, wherefore, why, on which account; श्रूयतां यदर्थमस्मि हरिणा भवत्सकाशं प्रेषितः [Ś.6;] [Ku.5.52.]
   since, because; नूनं दैवं न शक्यं हि पुरुषेणातिवर्तितुम् । यदर्थं यत्नवानेव न लभे विप्रतां विभो ॥ [Mb.]
-अवधि   ind. since which time.
-आत्मक a.  a. having which essence or existence.
-कारणम्,   -कारणात्ind.
   wherefore, on which account.
   since, because.-कृते ind. wherefore, why, for which person or thing.-भविष्यः a fatalist (one who says 'what will be will be'); यद्भविष्यो विनष्यति [Pt.1.318.]
-वद a.  a. talking anything.
-वा   ind. or else, whether; नैतद्विद्मः कतरन्नो गरीयो यद्वा जयेम यदि वा नो जयेयुः [Bg.2.6;] (often used by commentators in suggesting an alternative meaning).
-वृत्तम्   an adventure.
-सत्यम्   ind. to be sure, to speak the truth, truly, forsooth; अमङ्गलाशंसया वो वचनस्य यत् सत्यं कम्पितमिव मे हृदयम् [Ve.1;] [Mu.1;] [Mk.4.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
यद्  mfn.  Relative pronoun. (-यः-या-यत्) Who, which, what.
   E. यज् to worship, Unādi aff. अदि, with the power of डित् .
यज् अदि डित् .

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