Dictionaries | References


   { rasālḥ }
Script: Devanagari
See also:  रसाळ


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : रसीला, आम


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   rasāla a S pop. रसाळ a Juicy, sappy, succulent. 2 Piquant or well-seasoned;--esp. used of moist preparations. 3 fig. Tasteful, salty, pungent--a composition, a discourse. Ex. आतां टाकून बहुत शब्दजाळ ॥ बोले रामकथा रसाळ ॥. 4 Humorous or witty--a person or speech. 5 Soft, slimy, oozy;--used of a kind of the Jack.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   Juicy. Piquant. Fig. Tasteful.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रसाल  m. m. the mango tree, [Prasannar.]
   the sugar-cane, [L.]
   the bread-fruit tree, [L.]
   a kind of grass, [L.]
   wheat, [L.]
   a kind or mouse, [Cat.]
रसाल  n. n. myrrh or frankincense, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रसालः [rasālḥ]   [रसमालाति आ-ला-क ष˚ त˚]
   The mango tree; भृङ्गा रसालकुसुमानि समाश्रयन्ते [Bv.1.1.]
   The olibanum tree.
   The bread-fruit tree.
   The sugarcane.
   A kind of mouse.
   ला The ton
   Curds mixed with sugar and spices; रसालाकर्दमा नद्यो बभूवुर्भरत- र्षभ [Mb.14.89.4.]
   Dūrvā grass.
   A vine or grape.
   लम् Gum-myrrh.
   A preparation of butter-milk (तक्रविशेष); ह्रदाः पूर्णाः रसालस्य दध्नः श्वेतस्य चापरे [Rām.2.91.73.] -Com.
-वनी  f. f. a mango grove; रसालवन्या मधुपानुविद्धम् [N.3.46.]
-सालः   a mango tree; रसालसालः समदृश्यतामुना [N.1.89.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रसाल  m.  (-लः)
   1. The sugar-cane.
   2. The mango-tree, (Mangifera In- dica.)
   3. The jack-tree, (Artocarpus integrifolia.)
   4. The Olibanum tree, (Boswellia thurifera.)
   5. Wheat.
  n.  (-लं)
   1. Frankincense.
   2. Gum myrrh.
  f.  (-ला)
   1. The tongue.
   2. Bent grass, (Panicum dac- tylon.)
   3. A flower, (Hedysarum gangeticum.)
   4. A grape.
   5. Curds mixed up with sugar and spices.
   E. रस juice, आङ् before, ला to yield, aff. क .
रस आङ् ला क .

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