राशिः [rāśiḥ] m. m., f. [अश्नुते व्याप्नोति, अश्-इञ् धातोरुडागमश्च; cf.
[Uṇ.4.132] ]
A heap, mass, collection, quantity, multitude; मृदुनि मृगशरीरे तूलराशाविवाग्निः Ś1; धनराशिः, तोयराशिः, यशोराशिः &c.
The numbers or figures put down for any arithmetical operation (such as adding, multiplying &c.)
A sign of the zodiac.
[Ch. Up.7.1.2.] One-twelfth part of the ecliptic.
An astrological house. -Comp.
-अधिपः the regent of an astrological house.
-गत a.
heaped, piled up.
summed up.
algebraical or arithmetical.
-चक्रम् the zodiac.
-त्रयम् the rule of three.-नामन् n. a name given to a child taken from the Rāśi under which he is born.
-भागः a fraction. ˚अनुबन्धः the addition of fractions.
-भेदः a division of a zodiacal sign or astrological house.
-भोगः the passage of the sun, moon, or any planet through a sign of the zodiac.-मण्डलम् (=
-चक्रम् above).
adding to the number (संख्यापूरक).
(fig.) useless; राशिवर्धनमात्रं स नैव स्त्री न पुनः पुमान्
[Mb.5.133.23.] -व्यवहारः (in Arith.) the method for finding the quantity contained in a heap.
-स्थ a. a. accumulated.