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   { rūkṣa }
Script: Devanagari


कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 
   See : सुकें, सुकें


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
   See : कोरडा


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रूक्ष  mfn. 1.mf()n. (prob.fr.रूष्; cf.2.रुक्ष) rough, dry, arid, dreary, [ŚBr.] &c. &c.
   emaciated, thin, [Suśr.]
   rough to the taste, astringent, [MBh.] ; [Suśr.]
   not greasy or oily (as food or medicine), [Kathās.] ; [Suśr.]
   hard, harsh, unkind, cruel (as a person or speech), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
   unpleasant, disagreeable, not soft (to the sight, smell &c.), ib.
   dismal (as a house), [Pañcat.]
   soiled, smeared, dirtied, [R.] ; [Mudr.]
   having the smell of an elephant in rut, [L.]
रूक्ष  m. m. hardness, harshness, [L.]
   the smell of the rut of an elephant, [L.]
वरक   a kind of grass (= ), [L.]
रूक्ष  n. n. a good kind of iron, [L.]
   the thick part of curds, [L.]
रूक्ष  m. 2.m. (prob. for Prākṛtrukkha = वृक्ष) a tree, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रूक्ष [rūkṣa] a.  a. (written as रुक्ष also)
   Rough, harsh, not smooth or soft (as touch sound &c.); पुंस्कोकिलगिरं श्रुत्वा रूक्षा ध्वाङ्खस्य वागिव [Mb.1.2.384;] रूक्षस्वरं वाशति वायसोऽयम् [Mk.9.1;] [Ku.7.17.]
   Astringent (taste).
   Rough, uneven, difficult, austere.
   Sullied, soiled, dirtied; रथतुरगरजोभिस्तस्य रूक्षालकाग्रा [R.7.7;] [Mu.4.5.]
   Cruel, unkind, harsh; नितान्तरूक्षाभिनिवेशमीशम् [R.14.43;] संरम्भरूक्षमिव सुन्दरि यद् यदासीत् [V.3.2;] [Ś.7.32;] [Pt.4.] 91.
   Arid, parched up, dry, dreary; स्निग्धश्यामाः क्वचिदपरतो भीषणाभोगरूक्षाः [U.2.14.]
   Not oily (as food); [Bg.17.9.] (रूक्षीकृ means 'to make rough', 'soil', 'besmear').
   क्षः A tree.
   Harshness, hardness.
   क्षा Croton Polyandrum (Mar. दन्ती).
   Honey sugar.
   क्षम् The thick part of curds.
   A good kind of iron.
   Black pepper. -Comp.
-गन्धः, -गन्धकः   bdellium.
-पत्रः   the Śākhoṭa tree.
-पेषम्   ind. without the addition of any liquid; as in रूक्षपेषं पिनष्टि; [P.III.4.35.]
-भावः   unfriendly behaviour.
-वर्ण a.  a. dark-coloured (as clouds).
-वालुकम्   honey of a small bee.
-स्वरः   an ass.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रूक्ष  mfn.  (-क्षः-क्षा-क्षं)
   1. Harsh, rough, not smooth or soft.
   2. Rough to the taste, astringent, austere, not bland or sapid.
   3. Rugged, uneven.
   4. Harsh, unkind, unfriendly.
   5. Dry.
  m.  (-क्षः) A tree in general.
   E. रूक्ष् to be harsh or rough, aff. क .
रूक्ष् क .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : दृढ, विषम

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