वयस् n. 1.n. a web (?), [RV. ii, 31, 5.] वयस् n. 2.n. (cf. 1.वि॑) a bird, any winged animal, the winged tribe (esp. applied to smaller birds), [RV.] ; &c. वयस् n. 3.n. (√ वी) enjoyment, food, meal, oblation, [RV.] ; [AV.] (cf. वीति) बृहत् energy (both bodily and mental), strength, health, vigour, power, might, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [VS.] (often with ; with √ धा and dat. or loc. of pers. ‘to bestow vigour or might on’) सर्वाणि वयांसि vigorous age, youth, prime of life, any period of life, age, [RV.] &c. &c. (, animals of any age; वयसा-न्वित or वयसा-ती-त, aged, old) वयांसि प्र-ब्रूहि degree, kind (in ), [ŚBr.]