वर्धन n. 1.n. the act of cutting or cutting off (See नाभि-व्°) वर्धन mfn. mfn.ifc. after a proper N. prob. = ‘town’ (cf. पुण्ड्र-व्°, and Old Persian वर्दन). वर्धन mfn. 2.mf(ई)n. increasing, growing, thriving, [MBh.] (often ifc. ) causing to increase, strengthening, granting prosperity, [RV.] &c. &c. (mostly ifc. ) animating, gladdening, exhilarating, [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [BhP.] वर्धन m. m. a granter of increase, bestower of prosperity, ib. a tooth growing over another tooth, [Suśr.] (in music) a kind of measure, [Saṃgīt.] N. of शिव, [MBh.] of one of स्कन्द's attendants, ib. of a son of कृष्ण and मित्र-विन्दा, [BhP.] वर्धन a &c. See p. 926, col. 1.