Dictionaries | References


   { vasatiḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   vasati f S Abiding, staying, residing. 2 An abode or a place of residence.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वसति  f. af. staying (esp. ‘overnight’), dwelling, abiding, sojourn, [ŚBr.] &c. &c. (तिस्रो वसतीर् उषित्वा, ‘having passed three nights’; वसतिं-√ क्रि or √ ग्रह्, ‘to pass the night, take up one's abode in’, with loc.)
   a nest, [RV.]
   a dwelling-place, house, residence, abode or seat of (gen. or comp.), ib. &c. &c.
   a जैन monastery, [L.]
   night, [MBh.]
वसति  mfn. mfn. (accord. to some) dwelling, abiding (with वसाम्), fixing one's residence (?), [RV. v, 2, 6.]
वसति   b &c. See p. 932, col. 3.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वसतिः [vasatiḥ] ती [tī]   ती f. [वस्-अति वा ङीप् [Uṇ.4.62] ]
   Dwelling, residing, abiding; आश्रमेषु वसतिं चक्रे Me.1 'fixed his residence in'; कमलवसतिमात्रनिर्वृतः [Ś.5.1.]
   A house, dwelling, residence, habitation; हर्षो हर्षो हृदयवसतिः पञ्चबाणस्तु बाणः [P. R.1.22;] [Ś.2.15.]
   A receptacle, reservoir, an abode (fig.); अलकामतिवाह्यैव वसतिं वसुसंपदाम् [Ku.6.37;] so विनयवसतिः, धर्मैकवसतिः.
   A camp, halting place (शिबिर).
   The time when one halts or stays to rest, i. e. night; तस्य मार्गवशादेका बभूव वसतिर्यतः [R.15.11] (वसतिः = रात्रिः Malli.) 'he halted at night' &c.; तिस्नो वसतीरुषित्वा 7.33;11.3.
   A Jaina monastery.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वसति  f.  (-तिः or ती)
   1. A house, a dwelling.
   2. Abiding, abode, resi- dence.
   3. Night.
   E. वस् to dwell, अति Unādi aff., ङीष् optionally added.
वस् अति ङीष्


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : गृहम्

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