Dictionaries | References


   { vārāha }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English
VĀRĀHA II   A holy place in the middle of Kurukṣetra. It is mentioned in [Mahābhārata, Vana Parva, Chapter 83, Stanza 88] , that Mahāviṣṇu stayed in this place for a while in the shape of Varāha (Boar) and that those who bathe in this holy bath would obtain the fruits of performing the sacrifice Agniṣṭoma.


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi
See : सूअर, वराह, सूअर, जंगली सुअर


वाराह n.  श्रीविष्णु के वराह नामक तृतीय अवतार का नामान्तर [भा. ११.४.१८] ; वराह देखिये ।
वाराह II. n.  एक असुर [मत्स्य. १७२]


कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani
See : वराह


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
वाराह  n. mf()n. (fr.वराह) coming from or belonging to a boar (with उपानहौdu. shoes made of pig's leather; with मांसn. pig's flesh), [Br.] ; [Yājñ.] &c.
relating to the Boar form of विष्णु, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
taught or composed by वराहi.e.वराह-मिहिर (See comp.)
वाराह  m. m. ‘the Boar’ (i.e.विष्णु in his third incarnation, as a वराहq.v.), [MBh.] ; [Pañcar.] (v.l.वराह)
a banner with the representation of a boar, [MBh.]
-कन्द   a kind of bulbous plant, Dioscorea (cf.)
वराह्   N. of a mountain, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] (v.l.)
pl.N. of a school of the Black यजुर्-वेद, [Hcar.] ; [Āryav.]
वाराह  n. n.N. of a सामन् (वाराहम् उत्तरम्), [ĀrṣBr.]
of a तीर्थ, [MBh.]
वराह-द्वीप   = , [L.]
वराह द्वीप


वाराह [vārāha] a.  a. (-ही f.) [वराहस्येदं प्रियत्वात् अण्] Relating to a boar; वाराहीमात्मयोनेस्तनुमवनविधावास्थितस्यानुरूपाम् [Mu.7.] 19; [Y.1.259;] शक्तिः साप्याययौ तत्र वाराहीं विभ्रती तनुम् Devīmāhātmya.
हः A boar.
A kind of tree.-Comp.
-कर्णी   Physalis Flexuosa (अश्वगन्धा).
-कल्पः  N. N. of the present Kalpa (that in which we are at present living).
-पुराणम्  N. N. of one of the 18 Purāṇas.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
वाराह  mfn.  (-हः-ही-हं) Relating to a boar, belonging to, derived from, &c.
 f.  (-ही)
1. An esculent root, a Yam, (Dioscorea.)
2. One of the divine mothers.
3. A measure.
4. The earth.
5. A sow.
E. वराह a hog or VISHṆU in that form, &c., अण् aff. and ङीप्, fem. form.
वराह अण् ङीप्

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