वार्षिक n. mf(ई)n. belonging to the rainy-season, rainy,
[AV.] &c. &c. (with
आ॑पस्f.pl. rain-water, with
धनुस्n. a rainbow)
growing in the rainy season or fit for or suited to it,
[W.] others ‘a river, the water of which lasts the whole year,
i.e. does not dry up in the hot season’
वार्षिकोदक having water only during the rains (as a river),
[MBh.] (
cf. )
वसन्तादि versed in calculating the rainy season
g. sufficient or lasting for a year,
[Yājñ.] ;
[MBh.] &c.
yearly, annual,
[Gaut.] ;
[Pur.] त्रि (
ifc. after a numeral) lasting a certain number of years, being so many years old (
cf. -,
पञ्च-व्° &c.)
वार्षिक mn. mn.N. of various works,